About . The way us humans are designed, when we commit a sin, we feel guilty about it which leads to sadness, anxiety and depression. One of the most destructive ways of thinking is to nurture hatred, envy, and malice towards others. https://www.themuslimyouthprogramme.com/overcome-depression-anxiety-islam-4-rules-4-stages/. Hence, Allah commands us to eat wholesome foods (tayyibat) produced naturally from the earth. IS THERE ANY ROOM FOR ANXIETY AND DEPRESSION IN ISLAM? If you are seriously depressed, you might also consider consulting a doctor. Sometimes these mental health problems (especially depression) can lead us to a point where we are left with no desire to help ourselves. 1993;50(8):873–880. Psychiatrists? Context Depression is one of the most prevalent mental disorders worldwide ().According to the World Health Organization (2012), it is estimated that by 2020 depression will be the second leading cause of poor health and mortality ().Generally, the two common treatments for depression are … Posted by Rukhpar Mor at 1:24 PM ♥ Listed in: depression, islamic I recently saw a video on the Islamic perspective of depression by Shaykh (scholar) Sulaiman Moola. Others might have received it through genetics. Today I am not going to talk to you as a Medical Doctor, nor a Da’ee (one who spreads the message of Islam). Not only must we gain control over our thoughts and feelings towards people, we must also control our thoughts and feelings related to objects. And so the young Muslims today, the keyword here is young, undergoing such mental health problems do not claim to have them. I feel low self esteem and i myself hate.i alwys thougt of suicide.always i cry in front of my mother tat nobody loves me and i have no friends etc.after tat i got friends when in +1 .then another problms such as lack of concentration, continous fear arise,of having no … 2) Make a focused wudu’ and pray Tahajjud, followed by: My son, that is my tradition and whoever revives my tradition has loved me, and whoever loves me will be with me in Paradise. To Allah we belong and truly, to Him we shall return.” [Surah Al-Baqarah: 156]. No doubt, by the remembrance of Allah hearts are assured. Feeling like that every once in a while. But not if you felt it for a few hours or a day, that’s normal. Next, we should adopt Islamic mindfulness techniques to gain control over our negative thoughts. Verily, the believers are like a structure, each part strengthening the other. Just do as much as you can. And that, my friends, is calling out to Allah. In Islam, one of the condition for you to pray is a clear mind, means someone that is healthy in their mental state. However, sometimes we unwittingly nurture these negative feelings to the point of developing an anxiety disorder or clinical depression. If we are too deeply attached to a material object, we will become depressed when it is inevitably taken away. Grief and sufferrings of different intensities befall everyone. English en. Since 2014-12-23. Allah is waiting for those in misery to realize that there’s only one way out. A good writer is better than one silent, and one silent is better than an evil writer. I request you to bare with me for my tortoiselike speed of delivering articles! These other aspects are not taken into consideration by the Muslims who claim that anxiety and depression are diseases of the soul. All the negative feelings of hate and self-loathing that nurture in the hearts of depressed Muslims, consequently lead to low self-esteem, more sinning, less duas and a weakened spiritual connection with The Almighty Allah. Source: Sunan Ibn Mājah 3349, Grade: Sahih. Ever felt like that in your life? My forelock is in your hand, your command concerning me prevails, and your decision concerning me is just. I have not seen anyone smile more often than the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him. In addition to diet, we need to make sure we get enough quality sleep and exercise. I have also complied a list of Surahs for depression in an infographic post. Facebook; About The Author. This is due to my mental state. The Effect of Meditation on the Brain activity in Tibetan Meditators: Frontal Lobes, Hippocampal Volume Reduction in Major Depression J. Douglas Bremner, Meena Narayan, Eric R. Anderson, Lawrence H. Staib, Helen L. Miller, and Dennis S. Charney American Journal of Psychiatry 2000 157:1, 115-118, Cummings JL. If you found it useful, share it with your friends/family members so that they benefit from it too Insha’Allah. doi:10.1001/archneur.1993.00540080076020, The Concept and Psychological Effects of Sins in Islam Alam Khan Asian Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities Vol. Depression and Sadness in Islam “I was running the blind race of life-chasing money, power and position. Verily, some suspicion is sin, and do not spy or backbite each other. Much of the industrial, mass-produced food in our age is highly processed and stripped of its nutrients. SELF-ESTEEM IN ISLAM (SELF-DEVELOPMENT IN ISLAM SERIES ARTICLE#6) How to Raise your Self-Esteem as a Muslim: 12 Tips that Actually Work (+ a Free Self-Esteem Booster Pack) I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve heard a girl look in the mirror and say, “I wish my... HOW TO PRAY AT WORK: Missing Prayers due to Work? To sum, overcoming depression and anxiety, when they have a stranglehold over our lives, is a very difficult task. Do a complete focused fast on Mondays and Thursdays, and do the following: 1) Get up and read from the Quran in Arabic and English – “Inna fee Khalqis samaawati wal Ard” (Surat Aali Imraan, 3:191-end) and crying. (Data from 2013 National Survey on Drug Use and Health. Now there’s something else that I would like to highlight here: Whatever the cause of these mental health conditions may be, severe anxiety and depression inevitably lead you away from Allah and Islam. Or their Muslim parents, teachers or the local Imaam? Zoona 1 year ago. en. This is Dr. Bilal Philips’s “Fast” cure for depression. As a guide to Islam, Salam Islam offers its content through various and creative formats including brief articles, videos, motion graphics, beautifully designed pictures, infographics, e-books, comic strips, and … A murky cloud looms over you like the devil’s captor. Source: Sunan al-Tirmidhī 2678, Grade: Hasan. Here’s how I illustrate the cycle of sin in a depressed Muslim: Not only do these mental health conditions wreck havoc in the belief system of a Muslim, they also slowly destroy our bodies, ruin relationships with our close ones and overall result in a poor quality of life. That’s easier said then done, particularly when your relationship with Allah is severely compromised due to lack of spirituality. The Sunnah is to fill the stomach with one third of food, one third of drink, and one third left empty, except for special occasions when it is permitted to eat one’s fill. Yet again, you don’t have the strength to end it. Do you think lack of spirituality is the only cause of anxiety and depression in Islam? It’s when you feel like that for weeks on end ( atleast 2 for a clinical diagnosis). JazakAllah for reading this article. I stare blankly at the prayer mat, forgetting what I have recite, and my mind become blank. Source: Sunan Ibn Mājah 3803, Grade: Sahih. Islam and Depression As Muslims, we believe in God, and suicide is forbidden in all forms. العربية ar. But you just want to wallow in self-loathe and self-pity, because those are the only feelings that come easy to you. As Muslims why are we depressed and what should we do when we are depressed? For those of us who experience abnormal and unhealthy levels of grief and worry, there is hope in Islam to overcome these debilitating symptoms without resorting to pharmaceuticals. My son, if you are able every morning and evening to remove any rancor from your heart towards anyone, then do so. Sometimes we find ourselves thinking the worst about others and even expressing it verbally by backbiting against them. Yet if he is overcome by appetite, then he may fill it with a third of food, a third of drink, and a third of breath. * DISCLAIMER: The content of this website is meant solely for educational purposes and not meant to substitute any advice provided by medical professionals for any mental health related problem you suspect you might have. depression in islam. What does Islam Say? From 12 year old to 60 years old, most of the people are suffering from some stress or depression. Abu Huraira reported: The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said: قَالَ اللَّهُ عَزَّ وَجَلَّ إِنَّ الْمُؤْمِنَ عِنْدِي بِمَنْزِلَةِ كُلِّ خَيْرٍ يَحْمَدُنِي وَأَنَا أَنْزِعُ نَفْسَهُ مِنْ بَيْنِ جَنْبَيْهِ. If he experiences pleasure, he thanks Allah and it is good for him. Or… Is there a way back? They go together like bread and butter. I praise him as he provides me with patience to bear it. But you can’t summon the energy to get up and put an end to it. Unless you want out of it. We also need to avoid extravagance with food and overeating. Reply Paul Bartlett says: Verily, a servant is not destroyed unless he prefers his desires over his religion. These three – diet, sleep, and exercise – are the pillars of physical health. Get to know Islam . When a person is depressed, giving him or her examples of how Allah has helped them in the past will strengthen their conviction and belief in the promises Allah makes in this surah for their future. This is what I experienced and probably maybe a few others. Verily, if I am afflicted by a calamity, then I praise Allah four times. But we have to knowledge how hard it is to pray especially for people suffering with severe anxiety and depression. But nobody really talk about this especially Muslim scholars because for some reason, mental illness seemed to be so wrong to dealt with especially if you’re a Muslim. Salam Islam gives the chance to have a comprehensive grasp of all these Islamic subjects along with many other issues to help new Muslims in their journey toward Islam. Now imagine someone feeling like that on a regular basis for a month or more. Asalamu aleykum. It is through the Quran, which is the greatest way to remember Allah, that our hearts will find rest and assurance. You are nervous, restless or tense, with an increased heart rate, breathing rapidly (hyperventilation), sweating, trembling, feeling weak or tired,  have trouble concentrating or thinking about anything other than the present worry, trouble sleeping, gastrointestinal (GI) problems, and have difficulty controlling worry etc.. Trust me, It’s fine. Maybe these tips can work effectively for you. This supplication expresses firm faith in the providence of Allah (al-qada’ wal-qadr) over all creation. I thought Allah (swt) was enough. Truly, that’s a horrible state to be in. Copyright © 2021 The Muslim Youth Programme- All rights reserved, Now imagine someone feeling like that on a. We as Muslims, cannot deny the powerful connection between spirituality and mental well-being. 20 Surah for Mental Illness and Depression in Islam by Catra October 17, 2017 Various surah verses in the Qur’an are called terms that can be categorized as mental illness such as sick Qalbu (maradhun), majnuun, maftuun and jinnatuun which are translated as “insane”. We would rather lie flat on our backs and stare at the empty canvas of our hearts. thank you for this article brother/sister, i was reading this in class and almost cried.. inshallah Allah helps all of us. There are hundreds of daily sunnahs to follow, but I’ve only mentioned 11 of the easiest daily Sunnahs we can follow to grow closer to our Deen. And Shuraih, may Allah be pleased with him, said: إِنِّي لَأُصَابُ بِالْمُصِيبَةِ فَأَحْمَدُ اللَّهَ عَلَيْهَا أَرْبَعَ مَرَّاتٍ أَحْمَدُ إِذْ لَمْ يَكُنْ أَعْظَمَ مِنْهَا وَأَحْمَدُ إِذْ رَزَقَنِي الصَّبْرَ عَلَيْهَا وَأَحْمَدُ إِذْ وَفَّقَنِي لِلِاسْتِرْجَاعِ لِمَا أَرْجُو مِنَ الثَّوَابِ وَأَحْمَدُ إِذْ لَمْ يَجْعَلْهَا فِي دِينِي. All the negative feelings of hate and self-loathing that nurture in the hearts of depress Islam not only offers solution to the problem of depression but also has the solution of each and every problem imaginable. It is like I’m going crazy or losing my mind. Download IslamiCity App Today! Numerous times I dont know which rakaah I’m in. However, it is still possible to become depressed, even though Islam offers solutions to cure sadness or depression. Allah created the night time for us to rest, and our bodies need it to heal and recharge our energy reserves. Providing a comprehensive view of Islam and Muslims to cultivate peace, promote universal values, and dialogue among civilizations since 1995. Do you know of anyone who is sufferring from such mental health disorders? How many of you have felt anxious before an interview, debate, presentation or a public gathering? They are two sides of the same coin. Dont be so hard on yourself. We should seek our cure for depression and anxiety in a holistic manner by addressing its physical, mental, social, and spiritual aspects. I know, I know. It could lead to Suicide and taking the life of another person, which is strictly prohibited in Islam. EVERYTHING. He will judge you accordingly. Islam being not just a religion but also a complete way of life has provided us with a solution of every problem, and depression is one problem the solution to which can be found in the teachings of Islam. If he is given he is pleased, but if he is not given he is displeased. Neglecting our sleep requirements for any reason, even prayer, is a blameworthy excess. If we simply cannot find enough good people to be around, then it is better to be lonely than surrounded by bad people. Often people become depressed when they do not get what they want, but true believers, who have trained themselves to be unattached to the world, are always happy even in dire circumstances. Through the concepts of 'tawakkal'(meaning depending on Allah) and 'Qada and Qadr', we will hope for a success after put considerable amount of efforts, and could accept any outcome … Wondrous is the affair of a believer, as there is good for him in every matter; this is not the case for anyone but a believer. Juggling medical exams, work-life, family and this blog tends to slow my operating systems . If he experiences harm, he shows patience and it is good for him. The interestingly sad reality of today is.. although medicine has significantly advanced and the monster of science has grown many more limbs, the incidence of anxiety and depression is increasing at an alarming rate! This black-hole is consuming young Muslims as well. Do you see that although spirituality is closely related to these mental health conditions, there are so many other aspects/ causes of anxiety and depression. The Prophet (s) suffered for the cause of Islam more than any of us, losing his loved ones and enduring pain and hunger, yet the companions reported that they never saw anyone smile as often as him. In Islam, Hopelessness and despondence, which is the significant cause of depression suicide, is forbidden (haram). You know you are the only one who can change how you are feeling right now. I have not found anything other than the vanquishing of anxiety [hamm].”. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Here’s How to Pray Salah at Work! And guess what? Periods of grief and worry are a normal part of life, which can usually be cured with prayer, patience, and positive thinking. Thus, we must turn to duas for our benefit, including duas for stress, anxiety, and depression. Stress & Depression In Islam. And nobody can help you. Islam taught us to never to give up, i believed this is one of the reason why suicide is prohibited in Islam. Even if something that happened looked bad to them in worldly terms, they had faith that it was the best for their destiny in the Hereafter. مَا رَأَيْتُ أَحَدًا أَكْثَرَ تَبَسُّمًا مِنْ رَسُولِ اللَّهِ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ. They understood that, as long as they had faith, whatever Allah decreed for them was good; if not immediately in this life, then definitely in the next. When we talk about depression, we need to address anxiety as well. Ibn Rajab reports that classical Arab doctors would say: الْحَمِيَّةُ رَأْسُ الدَّوَاءِ وَالْبِطْنَةُ رَأْسُ الدَّاءِ. Allah beautifully reveals the link between the two in a small ayah of The Quran: “Verily in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest” ( Quran Surah13: Ayah 28). Similarly in extreme levels of anxiety, the Muslim loses tawakkul(trust) in Allah. I’m not familiar with a specific dua for depression. The Islamic way to remove anxiety and depression is to seek the countenance of the Lord of the worlds, because Allah has stated in the Quran that all … يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا كُلُوا مِن طَيِّبَاتِ مَا رَزَقْنَاكُمْ وَاشْكُرُوا لِلَّهِ إِن كُنتُمْ إِيَّاهُ تَعْبُدُونَ. (Even if You Work in a non-Muslim Workplace), Barakah in Islam: Three Simple Changes You can Make in Your Day to See Barakah in Action, How to Raise Your Self-esteem as a Muslim: 12 Tips that Actually Work (+ a Free Self-Esteem Booster Pack), 11 Super-Simple Daily Sunnahs We can Follow to Grow Closer to our Deen (That Take Less than a Minute). And hate. We should seek our cure for depression and anxiety in a holistic manner by addressing its physical, mental, social, and spiritual aspects. Yet again, in this article I am not going to … One cannot continue to worship Allah without a healthy body, so a healthy body takes priority over voluntary worship. Many of us become depressed because our bodies are not receiving enough nutrients, and such an imbalance affects our whole being. Hence, there would have been no point of delivering this article unless I tell you how to come out as a warrior when struck with anxiety and/or depression in Islam (like I tell myself I did!). By adopting healthy habits in our mind, body, and spirit, we can restore the natural balance within us that leads to recovery and prosperity. You want it to be over. Articles . Indeed, prayer and fasting are inherently good acts, but doing them excessively to the point of neglecting the needs of the body makes them blameworthy. Oh but then they will be labelled as “Muslims with weak emaan (aka lack of spirituality)“. Even eating too much good food can cause a nutritional imbalance, which will ultimately affect our mental health. I’m not saying that I dont have to pray because Im losing my mind, because I dont. Re: Depression And Cure In Islam by E20BILLION(m): 12:22pm On Jun 03, 2016 It's quite simple, just reverse all your routines, the way you sleep, have a girlfriend, force yourself on your hobbies, make new friends, run or exercise in the morning, be optimistic about your future, don't ever bother about tomorrow cos it ll definitely sort itself out but plan. Source: Sunan al-Tirmidhī 3641, Grade: Sahih. Many of these factors can indeed lead to depression. Source: Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 467, Grade: Muttafaqun Alayhi. Being under various kinds of pressure can, by all means, result in anxiety, stress, and tension. I’m pretty sure almost all. Al-Aqidah al-Tahawiyyah in English and Arabic. And then there are those that are miserable due to being stuck in bad relationships that always require compromise. Jazakallah for this article and I pray goodness and wellbeing on every Muslim ❤️. Success comes from Allah, and Allah knows best. I wanted to be the best at everything. Islam teaches us to have dignity, love ourselves, and be grateful for having been blessed as Muslims. I sincerely hope not. O you who believe, avoid much suspicion. I’ve always seek information about my problems on sites that are not meant for Muslims. http://www.andrewnewberg.com/research.asp, www.nimh.nih.gov/health/statistics/prevalence/major-depression-among-adults.shtml, Wasting Time in Islam + 3 Deadly Time Management Mistakes that are Keeping You Stuck, The 4 Indicators of an Ideal Balance of Deen with Career According to Sunnah, Missing Prayers due to Work? Nobody except those that have been there. It might be you need a help, just check on some spiritual ways how to help someone with depression in Islam. We should apply mindfulness techniques to catch ourselves in such moments and switch our mental self-conversation to something better. In each case, the uneasy feeling that the activities of his / her daily life and suffering from a variety of symptoms that undermine their capacity for example, sleep, eat, and the energy and style of the event. Many times our hatred of others harms ourselves more than anyone else. Toggle navigation Faith ... Depression. Verily, it causes laziness with the prayer, it harms the body, it inherits disease, and Allah Almighty detests the fatness of a cleric. Sadness, Stress, and Depression are three different things that can destroy your happiness; eventually, it does not just leave mental scars. So many Muslims undergoing these mental health issues might have a physical/ biological disease undiagnosed that is strongly related to depression or anxiety ( for eg., something as common as a nutritional (folate or Vit B6 or B12 ) deficiency). Here’s How to Pray Salah at Work! But there’s always a way out. cure 4 depression in islam. sometimes depression needs to be assessed from the point of origin. But I’ve realized, unfortunately too personally, that depression is not black and white. Arch Neurol. Similarly, humans are also very emotional. Anas ibn Malik reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said to me: يَا بُنَيَّ إِنْ قَدَرْتَ أَنْ تُصْبِحَ وَتُمْسِيَ لَيْسَ فِي قَلْبِكَ غِشٌّ لِأَحَدٍ فَافْعَلْ. among the causes of unexplainable depression is sihr/ black magic, and this is a common problem in muslim communities. Verily, the parable of a good friend and a bad friend is only that of a seller of musk and a blacksmith. And you ask yourself everyday,  what’s the point of living? Practicing the prophetic traditions related to sleep as a nightly routine, as part of healthy sleep hygiene, will strengthen the body and aid the healing process, among many other benefits. Are we held accountable for our thoughts? ). is with you. Is it permissible to curse people in Islam? Suhayb reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said: عَجَبًا لِأَمْرِ الْمُؤْمِنِ إِنَّ أَمْرَهُ كُلَّهُ خَيْرٌ وَلَيْسَ ذَاكَ لِأَحَدٍ إِلَّا لِلْمُؤْمِنِ إِنْ أَصَابَتْهُ سَرَّاءُ شَكَرَ فَكَانَ خَيْرًا لَهُ وَإِنْ أَصَابَتْهُ ضَرَّاءُ صَبَرَ فَكَانَ خَيْرًا لَهُ. One should gradually decrease their food portions and intake over time until they become accustomed to eating in moderate amounts. Allah Almighty said: Verily, the believer is always in a good position with me. First, we must recognize that in Islam our physical bodies have a right over us, that we take care of our health, optimize our nutrition, get enough quality sleep, and physically exercise regularly. I praise him as he guides me to remember my hope for reward, and I praise him as he did not make it a calamity in my religion. Let’s talk in the comment section below. I really needed this, I’ve felt like I have stray way too far from Allah because of what i’m going through right now. Surely God forgives all sins. The true believer should try to be an optimist, thinking the best about Allah and his decrees, rather than being a pessimist who always dwells upon the worst case scenario. Remind yourself that Allah (S.W.T.) Stress and depression are two of the most common illnesses in our society. Français fr. Even for the ones you once loved. And We made your sleep for rest and the night as a covering. Thoughts are often difficult to regulate, but we do have a degree of control over what we choose to think about and reflect upon. One problem that I have with the perspective of many Shyookh (plural of Shaykh) is the failure to acknowledge the clinical aspect of depression. Abu Huraira reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said: تَعِسَ عَبْدُ الدِّينَارِ وَالدِّرْهَمِ وَالْقَطِيفَةِ وَالْخَمِيصَةِ إِنْ أُعْطِيَ رَضِيَ، وَإِنْ لَمْ يُعْطَ لَمْ يَرْضَ. For those of us who experience abnormal and unhealthy levels of grief and worry, there is hope in Islam to overcome these debilitating symptoms without resorting to pharmaceuticals. When our happiness depends upon material wealth and success, we are bound to be disappointed as such worldly pleasures will never last forever. Only people with weak emaan can suffer from such conditions. These foods contain too much sugar, salt, chemicals, and other harmful additives. Commitment of sins play a major role in our unhappiness and depression. And never give up hope of Allah’s soothing mercy: truly no one despairs of Allah’s soothing mercy, except those who have no faith. وَجَعَلْنَا نَوْمَكُمْ سُبَاتًا وَجَعَلْنَا اللَّيْلَ لِبَاسًا. Source: Sunan Abī Dāwūd 1369, Grade: Sahih. Unless you are an ET ( I’ve been told  by myself that I make too many ET jokes. You can get the complete guide on dealing with depression and anxiety as Muslims here. User guide . Despite the biological, social, and mental causes/ aspects of anxiety and depression, there’s the spiritual aspect that weighs most heavily upon the shoulders of Muslims. I believe in Allah and know he hears and sees all things within the heart but sometimes I feel hopeless and then guilty about these feelings I have almost like a weak Muslim for it or that I have weak Iman, which has stopped me reaching out from professional help many times as I feel they will not understand all aspects on a spiritual level. But severe depression on the other hand, strips you of all hope and trust in Allah. The following article offers some great advice, though. At least not yet. Salaams, has the follow up article been written yet or maybe I have been unable to find it? يَا بُنَيَّ وَذَلِكَ مِنْ سُنَّتِي وَمَنْ أَحْيَا سُنَّتِي فَقَدْ أَحَبَّنِي وَمَنْ أَحَبَّنِي كَانَ مَعِي فِي الْجَنَّة. Steeper into the pit of darkness. Verily, your own self has rights over you, so fast and break your fast, pray and sleep. He praises me, even as I remove his soul from between his two sides. Categories . He is all-forgiving and all-merciful.” However, if you still cannot cure your depression. Books & articles . Thank you for making this article. And the Muslim Ummah is not unharmed. Benefits of the Sunan of Adhan, call to prayer, The Prophet’s wondrous dream of the Hereafter, Al-Mundhiri on remembrance of Allah and supplication, Showing love and affection to unbelievers, Al-Mundhiri on the five obligatory prayers. This is exactly what I needed. So, when a Muslim falls into depression and begins contemplating suicide, it … Conscious thinking is a habit and a choice; if we are in the habit of thinking negatively, we should apply mindfulness techniques to form better thinking habits. Wretched is the servant of gold, silver, fine clothes, and garments.

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