In 1989, as the curtain was coming down on communism in the Kremlin, the dissident playwright Vaclav Havel emerged as the figurehead of the country's "velvet revolution" and became the first president of post-communist Czechoslovakia. Croatia's declaration of independence in 1991 was followed by four years of war and the best part of a decade of authoritarian nationalism under President Franjo Tudjman. Partneruniversitäten 3. A growing number of visitors are being drawn to its variety of attractions. Für weltweite Partnerverträge informieren Sie sich bitte unter. Auf ins Ausland Planung 1. Ethnically the former Soviet republic is as diverse, with the Kazakhs making up nearly two thirds of the population, ethnic Russians just under a quarter, and smaller minorities the rest. A country of striking natural beauty with a stunning Adriatic coastline, Croatia is again very popular as a tourist destination. Slovenia is a small country in Central Europe, but contains within its borders Alpine mountains, thick forests, historic cities and a short Adriatic coastline. Technische Universität Warschau (TU Warschau) Sie finden hier weitere aktuelle … It also defied predictions that it would not survive the collapse of its one-time supporter, the Soviet Union. Switzerland has for centuries been a neutral state, which means that it cannot take part in armed conflict unless it is attacked. Partneruniversitäten. Positioned at the centre of Europe, it has known turbulent and violent times. Die Juristische Fakultät unterhält Austauschbeziehungen mit über 30 Partneruniversitäten. Norway plays an active international role. France is known the world over for its cuisine, fashion, culture and language. The US has tens of thousands of soldiers in the country. Estonia is the most northerly of the three Baltic states, and has linguistic ties with Finland. When the Soviet Union collapsed Finland joined the EU and is the only Nordic EU member to use the euro as its national currency. The Korean War ended in 1953 without a peace agreement, leaving South Korea technically at war for more than fifty years. Bitte nehmen Sie diese Registrierung erst nach der Nominierung vor. Aarhus Universitet, Institut for Kultur och Samfund Nordre Ringgade, DK-8000 Aarhus C Tel. Having uncoupled itself from its western neighbour, Slovakia at first struggled to prove itself as an independent democracy, but by the time of the twentieth anniversary of the "velvet divorce" in January 2013, it had come to be seen as one of Europe's biggest success stories. 10099 Berlin Sitz. Not much more than a decade after it declared independence following the collapse of the USSR, Latvia was welcomed as an EU member in May 2004. It has mediated between Israel and the Palestinians as well as in the Sri Lankan conflict, and has participated in military action in Afghanistan and Libya. It is the world's number seven oil exporter and has resisted the temptation to splurge its windfall, choosing instead to deposit the surplus wealth into its oil fund - now the world's largest sovereign wealth fund. It has a long history as a major player in international affairs and fulfils an important role in the EU, UN and Nato. Hier finden Sie eine aktuelle Liste mit Partneruniversitäten (Stand März 2018). Through exploration and conquest, Spain became a world power in the 16th century, and it maintained a vast overseas empire until the early 19th century. Erasmus Mundus. bereit stellen. im Juli für das folgende WS). Mehr Informationen. ... Je nach Partneruniversität erhalten Sie bis spätestens Ende März eine Zu- oder Absage. Its forces can only be used for self-defence and internal security. Partneruniversitäten Die Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät hat hat entsprechende Vereinbarungen zur Studierendenmobilität im Rahmen von ERASMUS mit 65 Partneruniversitäten in über 20 Ländern. School of Business and Economics Sprachenzentrum-Blog SPRACHCAFÉ RUSSISCH SoSe2020 03.06.2020 Минск — середина Европы в стране тракторов 28.11.2019 Sprachenzentrum-Blog - Mehr… Die HU im WWW. A landlocked, mountainous country, Switzerland's geographical position in central Europe and studied neutrality have given it the access and political stability to become one of the world's wealthiest countries. (Sommersemester) gespeichert unter Ihrem Namen (z.B. Über ERASMUS/ERASMUS Mundushinaus unterhält die Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin zahlreiche bilaterale Verträge(sogenannte „Universitätspartnerschaften“ oder kurz „UV“) mit Partneruniversitäten aus anderen Weltregionen – also aus Asien, Afrika, Australien, Nord- und Lateinamerika sowie Osteuropa. Slovenia was the first former Yugoslav republic to join the European Union, in May 2004 - shortly after joining Nato. They are invited to the polls several times a year to vote in national or regional referendums and people's initiatives. A new era began when Poland became an EU member in May 2004, five years after joining Nato and 15 years after the end of communist rule. Alfred-Rühl-Haus Raum 0'202 Rudower Chaussee 16 12489 Berlin Kontakt. Für die Länder der EU finden Sie genauere Informationen unter ERASMUS. Es stehen Plätze für Ägypten, Indien (nur PhD), Israel, Jordanien und den Libanon zur Verfügung. Bitte fülle es aus und reiche es im Wiwi International Office ein: Swiss Mobility Agreement OLS Sprachtest . By early 2003 it had made enough progress in shaking off the legacy of those years to apply for EU membership, becoming the second former Yugoslav republic after Slovenia to do so. Once the centre of the Ottoman Empire, the modern secular republic was established in the 1920s by nationalist leader Kemal Ataturk. PD Dr. Mohsen Makki Tel. Januar - danach gibt es noch Restplätze. Wenn Sie zwei Semester an der Humb… Surrounded by the European Union, it has vacillated between seeking closer engagement with its powerful neighbour and other international organisations, and preferring a more isolationist course. Portugal, a country with a rich history of seafaring and discovery, looks out from the Iberian peninsula into the Atlantic Ocean. Erst wenn alle Schritte absolviert wurden, ist der Bewerbungsprozess abgeschlossen. Lava fields cover much of the land and hot water is pumped from under the ground to supply much of the country's heating. Senden Sie das ausgefüllte Dokument bis zum 01.02. Partneruniversitäten außerhalb der EU befinden sich unter dem Menüpunkt. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Institut für Geschichtswissenschaften Info. PD Dr. Mohsen Makki Tel. Mit einigen dieser Partner wurden umfangreiche Möglichkeiten für den Austausch auf Studierenden-, Forschenden-/Lehrenden- und Mitarbeiterebenen vereinbart. Long regarded as one of the best-performing new EU members, Slovenia was dragged into a deep recession by the European financial crisis in 2012. 2. South Korea has developed into one of Asia's most affluent countries since partition in 1948. Following its defeat at the hands of the Soviet Union in the Second World War, the country endured strong influence from Moscow during the Cold War, though retaining its sovereignty. Bitte reichen Sie Bewerbungen bei ein. Partneruniversitäten außerhalb der Europäischen Union. Partneruniversitäten Die Freie Universität unterhält Partnerschaften mit rund 90 Universitäten weltweit. Dazu können für fast alle Partneruniversitäten die Sprachtests der HU anerkannt werden. Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Gesellschaft an der HU e.V. 10099 Berlin. This mixed economy traditionally featured centralised wage negotiations and a heavily tax-subsidised social security network. The constitution of 1978 enshrines respect for linguistic and cultural diversity within a united Spain. Bewerben Sie sich bitte zunächst bei Ihrer Heimatuniversität, diese entscheidet ob Sie für ein Auslandssemester nominiert werden. Für HU-Partneruniversitäten innerhalb der EU besuchen Sie bitte die Infoseiten zu. The varied landscape stretches from the mountainous, heavily populated regions of the east to the sparsely populated, energy-rich lowlands in the west, and from the industrialised north, with its Siberian climate and terrain, through the arid, empty steppes of the centre, to the fertile south. Alfred-Rühl-Haus Raum 0'202 Rudower Chaussee 16 12489 Berlin Kontakt. The United Kingdom is made up of England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. 1. Das Sprachenzentrum der HU stellt gegen eine Gebühr von 20 EUR nach einem Sprachtest (Dauer ca. Um sich in die Moodle Gruppe einzutragen, muss man noch nicht zwingend einen HU Mail Account besitzen - du kannst dich auch mit deiner privaten Mail Adresse registrieren. Progress towards democracy and a market economy was halting after Ataturk's death in 1938, and the army - seeing itself as guarantor of the constitution - repeatedly ousted governments seen as challenging secular values. Fotos: RUC. Economic strength has allowed Vladimir Putin - Russia's dominant political figure since 2000 - to enhance state control over political institutions and the media - a process supplemented more recently by an emphasis on fierce nationalism and hostility to the West. : +49 (030) 2093-6895 Fax: +49 (030) 2093-6835 Email: Die Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin beteiligt sich seit 1991 sehr erfolgreich am europäischen Mobilitätsprogramm ERASMUS und hat seither mehr als 10.000 Studierende im Rahmen eines auslandsbezogenen Studienaufenthaltes gefördert. 1. Situated in north-eastern Europe with a coastline along the Baltic Sea, Latvia has borders with Estonia, Russia, Belarus and Lithuania. For almost half of the 20th century Portugal was a dictatorship in which for decades Antonio de Oliveira Salazar was the key figure. Die Universitäten und Austauschplätze der WiWi für das akademische Jahr 2021-22, Partneruniversitäten der WiWi für das AJ 2021-22. Unemployment is low and the economy strong. Slovakia has a significant Romany population which suffers disproportionately high levels of poverty and social deprivation. November 2020 zu verschieben, am 2. The capital, Vienna, is home to key international organisations, including the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and Opec, the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries. Dieses dient als Vertrag zwischen der HU und deiner Partneruniversität in der Schweiz und sichert dir deinen Austauschplatz zu. Spandauer Str. Mit der HU haben Sie sich für eine der Universitäten in Deutschland mit der höchsten Anzahl an ERASMUS-Studierenden überhaupt entschieden. Alfred-Rühl-Haus Raum 0'202 Rudower Chaussee 16 12489 Berlin Kontakt. Was ist ERASMUS? It joined the European Union in 2004. By the 16th century these sailors had helped build a huge empire embracing Brazil as well as swathes of Africa and Asia. The Kingdom of Denmark has, despite its relatively small size, punched above its weight internationally. It has linguistic links with Lithuania to the south and historical and religious ties with Estonia to the north. Zudem werden weitere Informationen wie Erfahrungsberichte, Links und länderspezifische Informationen aufgelistet. The division of the former British mandate of Palestine and the creation of the state of Israel in the years after the end of World War II was the culmination of the Zionist movement, whose aim was a homeland for Jews scattered all over the world. Jedes Jahr studieren nahezu 1.000 ERASMUS-Studierende aus fast 30 Ländern an der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. : +49 (030) 2093-6895 Fax: +49 (030) 2093-6835 Email: Communist rule had lasted since 1948, when the restored pre-war democratic system was overthrown in a Soviet-backed coup. Xolographie als leistungsfähige neue Methode für den 3D-Druck. Mehr Informationen. Es gilt die erste aufgelistete Sprache für den Sprachnachweis. Occupied by Germany during the First and Second World Wars, it has experienced an economic boom in the past 50 years to become a model Western European liberal democracy. Für die Länder der EU finden Sie genauere Informationen unter ERASMUS. The "Prague Spring" of 1968, when Communist leader Alexander Dubcek tried to bring in liberal reforms, was crushed by Warsaw Pact tanks. (Download der Liste als PDF) Da das Institut für Rehabilitationswissenschaften eng mit dem Institut für Erziehungswissenschaften kooperiert, können Sie sich auch auf Plätze des jeweils anderen Instituts bewerben. Many of the elements that make up the foundation of the modern world originated in China including: paper, gunpowder, credit banking, the compass and paper money. Die Juristische Fakultät besitzt Austauschverträge mit Partneruniversitäten in verschiedensten Ländern – im Rahmen des Erasmus-Programms und im Rahmen weltweiter Kooperationsprogramme. Die zur Verfügung stehenden Plätze für 2021/22 finden Sie hier. Die Universitäten und Austauschplätze der WiWi für das akademische Jahr 2021-22 Hungary traces its history back to the Magyars, an alliance of semi-nomadic tribes from southern Russia and the Black Sea coast that arrived in the region in the ninth century. After centuries as a powerful medieval kingdom, Hungary was part of the Ottoman and then Habsburg empires from the 16th century onwards, emerging as an independent country again after World War I. November ist dies academicus, es finden noch keine Lehrveranstaltungen statt. Sie können wählen, ob Sie 24 Monate im Studium oder 12 Monate im Studium und 12 Monate nach dem Examen (d.h. als Master) gefördert werden möchten. The People's Republic of China (PRC) was founded in 1949 after the Communist Party defeated the previously dominant nationalist Kuomintang in a civil war. Ein Auslandsstudium im Rahmen des Programms Erasmus + kann nur an Einrichtungen verbracht werden, mit denen das Institut für Sportwissenschaft ein bilateral agreement abgeschlossen hat. There are still some 200 million Portuguese speakers around the world today. Laden Sie sich die Vorlage für das Transcript of Recordsherunter und füllen Sie diese bitte aus. Dazu kommen noch über 10 Fakultätsvereinbarungen. Aarhus. Forscherteam beschreibt neuartigen Methode im Fachmagazin “Nature" Korruptionsskandale: Wer bewacht die Wächter? Slovenia's relations with Croatia have been strained on account of a rumbling dispute over sea and land borders dating back to the break-up of Yugoslavia. : +49 (030) 2093-6895 Fax: +49 (030) 2093-6835 Email: It also enjoys one of the world's highest standards of living, in large part due to the discovery in the late 1960s of offshore oil and gas. It was part of Czechoslovakia until the "velvet divorce" in January 1993. Suppressed under Soviet rule, the main religion, Islam, is undergoing a revival. Spain's modern history is marked by the bitterly fought Spanish Civil War of 1936-39, and the ensuing 36-year dictatorship of General Francisco Franco. Wir möchten Dir mit der folgenden Liste nützliche Informationen zu Ländern und den Partnerhochschulen geben. Mit Partnern aus anderen Weltregionen verbinden die HU mehr als 100 Verträge. Sweden's position as one of the world's most highly developed post-industrial societies looks fundamentally secure. The report found that the authorities had known what lay in store for the Jewish refugees to whom they closed their borders in 1942, and had assisted the economy of Nazi Germany, although not to a degree that prolonged the war. The Swedes still enjoy an advanced welfare system, and their standard of living and life expectancy are almost second to none. Ruled at various times during the middle ages by Denmark, the German knights of the Livonian Order, and Sweden, Estonia ended up part of the Russian Empire in the 18th century. Relations with the US showed signs of a thaw following the election of President Barack Obama, who in April 2009 said he wanted a new beginning with Cuba. It attracts visitors from across the globe. For such a small country, Belgium has been a major European battleground over the centuries.