. . 14 The price of supreme power is great anxiety, many heavy burdens. . On the other hand, if you are on your guard, I fear that you may be more occupied in avoiding danger than in taking vengeance. After they arrived in the territory of the Aresinarii with the entire fleet of warships, which had either been repaired or had not [been damaged in the storms] . But in fact it is the very greatest of his crimes that neither I nor anyone else would have been safe if we did what was right. Such counsellors advise you to keep peace with him and encourage him to make war upon you. [4.50] {4.16M} L # There was almost equal haste and great terror within the town, because they were afraid that the new fortifications, which were built of brick, would be weakened by the damp. They decorated their houses with tapestries and statues, and built stages so that actors could perform upon them. [3.6] {3.5M} L # Antonius was having difficulty in driving the [Ligurian] forces away from the [ships], because weapons could be thrown through the narrow entrance; and Mamercus could not safely pursue the enemy [ships], who were on the right of the allied fleet, in the open sea during the summer calm. 9 I, to whom death is nearer because of my years, am ready to meet it, if that will lessen any of your ills; nor could I end my life (as in the course of nature I soon must) with more honour than in securing your safety. 2 If it were possible for you to enjoy lasting peace, if no treacherous foes were near your borders, if to crush the Roman power would not bring you glorious fame, I should not venture to sue for your alliance, and it would be vain for me to hope to unite my misfortunes with your prosperity. Amazon.in - Buy De Coniuratione Catilinae / Die Verschworung DES Catilina book online at best prices in India on Amazon.in. 6 Nay, he alone of all within the memory of man has devised punishment for those yet unborn, who are thus assured of outrage before they are of life. . Werke wie Bellum Iugurthium und De Coniuratio Catilinae mit satzweiser Übersetzung aus dem Lateinischen. At first, the fighting took place in great confusion as they hurled weapons haphazardly through the darkness of the night. He took great pride in this disfigurement of his body, and was not ashamed of his wounds, because they showed how gloriously he had preserved the rest of his body. Sallust’s character analysis of Caesar and Cato Minor 95 Execution of the conspirators, Dec. 5: ad Baculum Argumentum. [2.44] {2.47M} L # A few days later Cotta changed his clothing, giving a very mournful appearance because the people did not support him as he wished, and he addressed the assembly as follows: I have encountered many dangers, fellow citizens, at home and abroad, and many adversities, some of which I have endured, some averted by the gods' help and my own courage; in all these I never lacked resolution to decide or energy to act. Maecenas, the other secretary, was on the bottom couch, in between Tarquitius and Perperna, who was the host. 21 You must guard against craft; for by no other means can they prevail against the people as a whole, and in that way only will they attempt to do so. This province had been given to us by the will of the deceased king Apion, and needed to be governed more prudently than was usual in those nations, by someone who was less eager for glory. Neores did not assist either side with provisions, and they both suffered from lack of food. Any comments. 15 Then (not to attempt to urge you to those manly deeds by which your ancestors gained their tribunes of the commons, a magistracy previously patrician, and a suffrage independent of the sanction of the patricians) since all the power is in your hands, citizens, and since you undoubtedly can execute or fail to execute on your own account the orders to which you now submit for the profit of others, I would ask you whether you are waiting for the advice of Jupiter or some other one of the gods. For of a truth Nature has appointed one and the same end for all, even for those encased in steel, and no one awaits the last necessity, daring nothing, unless he has the heart of a woman. 14 What are you waiting for, unless perhaps you are ashamed or weary of doing right? after staying there for that day [and the following] night, with the number of [slaves in his army] now doubled, he [moved camp] at first light and [halted] in a fairly wide plain, [where he saw] that the farmers had come out of their buildings. 2 Was it with such expectations that the Roman people sent its sons to war? . 13 The laws, the courts, the treasury, the provinces, the kings, in fact, the power of life and death over our citizens are in the hands of one man. The Histories provided a detailed account of Roman history from 78 to 67 B.C, in five books. . 12 Further progress was frustrated by Archelaus, basest of slaves, who betrayed my army; and those whom cowardice or misplaced cunning kept from taking up arms, since they hoped to find safety in my misfortunes, are suffering most cruel punishment. 19 If this is your intention, if such torpor has stolen upon your spirits that forgetting the crimes of Cinna, upon whose return to our city the flower of this order perished, you will nevertheless entrust yourselves, your wives, and your children to Lepidus, what need is there of decrees? In this confusion, while they were all debating together anxiously, Servilius decided that the surrender would never happen, unless it was prompted by fear. 24 There was once a time, fellow countrymen, when each of you citizens found protection in the many and not the community in one man, and when no single mortal was able to give or to take away such things from you. Die Verschwörung des Catilina [Sallust] on Amazon.com.au. 12 A great part of our allies and of the people of Latium to whom you gave citizenship in return for distinguished services are robbed of it by one man, while a few of his minions, as a recompense for their crimes, have seized upon the ancestral homes of the guiltless commons. The state was governed in a fair and temperate fashion after the expulsion of the kings, but only as long as the fear of attack by Tarquinius and the grievous war with Etruria still remained. 16 Since such is your character, I urge you to be true to your purpose and to retain your arms, lest by deferring your rebellious plans you may be uneasy yourself and keep us in a ferment. . Later, when the Romans deliberately did not respond with either weapons or shouting, the enemy believed that they either were overcome with fright or had abandoned the fortifications, and the swiftest of them eagerly rushed into the ditches and then up the rampart. He had at his command the kingdom of Ariobarzanes, unravaged by war, while I, since all the country about me had been devastated, withdrew into Armenia. [2.40] {2.42M} L . 10 You are our only resource; unless you come to our rescue, against my will, but not without warning from me, our army will pass over into Italy, bringing with it all the war in Spain. . Wenn du die Website weiter nutzt, gehen wir von deinem Einverständnis aus. That I cannot do, since life and death are subject to natural laws; but to live unashamed among one's fellow citizens, and with unblemished reputation and fortune, is something that may be given and received. However the republic acted with the highest moral character and the greatest concord in the period between the second and the final Carthaginian wars. ; Batstone, W. “ Incerta pro certis. Der folgende Text (Sallust, De coniuratione Catilinae 52-53) ist zu interpretieren. Sallustius mentions this at the beginning of the first book of his History. 20 But even if the allowance were a great one, what lethargy it would show, since it was offered as the price of your slavery, to be deceived by it and actually to owe gratitude to your oppressors for your own property. [4.60] {4.59M} L # {Lucullus} proceeded by forced marches through the territory of king Ariobarzanes up to the river Euphrates, where it forms the border between Cappadocia and Armenia. Then he advised them to go off into more open countryside, richer in cattle, where they could increase their numbers with picked men, before Varinius returned with a new army. Berücksichtigen Sie dabei bitte besonders die Gesichtspunkte Inhalt und Struktur, Sprache, Stil, Form sowie Gattung und Motivgeschichte: 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 Ubi vos separatim sibi quisque consilium capitis, ubi domi voluptatibus, hic pecuniae He fears peace, hates war; he sees that he must sacrifice luxury and licence, and meanwhile he takes advantage of your indolence. They declared that the men had yielded their country, their child-bearers and their freedom; and so the wives were leaving breast-feeding, childbirth and the other roles of women to their husbands. . Verily, such an act is much nearer the condition in which he now finds himself than are peace and concord to civil arms. [3.34] {3.48M} { The speech of the tribune Macer: } L # If you did not realize, fellow citizens, what a difference there is between the rights left you by your forefathers and this slavery imposed upon you by Sulla, I should be obliged to make a long speech and to inform you because of what wrongs, and how often, the plebeians took up arms and seceded from the patricians; and how they won the tribunes of the commons as the defenders of their rights. Then there arose frequent riots, revolutions and eventually civil wars. And they were aided especially by the nobles, the greater number of whom were already giving expression to their confidence and adapting their conduct to their words. The fragment numbers in McGushin's translation are shown in red. Worn out by these difficulties, the people resorted to violence and attacked both the consuls, while they accompanied Q. Metellus (later called Creticus), who was a candidate for the praetorship, along the Sacred Way. 11 For he is hounded and tormented in mind by ambition and terror because of his crimes, uneasy and at his wits' end, resorting now to this plan, now to that. A few sensible men, with [free and] noble minds, [approved of the plan] that they should escape in this way . Surely I have committed a crime too great to be expiated by all the torments related of the Nether World. . [1.9] {1.11M} L # The Roman state reached the peak of its power in the consulship of Ser.Sulpicius and M.Marcellus {51 B.C. seemed to be the best plan. . Es ist ebenfalls nicht gestattet die Übersetzungen an anderer Stelle zu veröffentlichen. Chr., † 78 v. Chr. On the contrary, despised, held unworthy of a share in the state, they are regarded as plunder, since fear makes them sue for peace, which fear had made them lose. They can be recognised by their clothes, their demeanour and their beards. 9 They took possession of Asia, and finally, on the death of Nicomedes, they seized upon all Bithynia, although Nysa, whom Nicomedes had called queen, unquestionably had a son. The paperback is available on Amazon for 14.95 USD. 10 There was an outbreak in the consulship of Brutus and Mamercus {77 B.C.} Author of Catilina, Sallust, Bellum Catilinae, Sallust, Florus, and Velleius Paterculus, Bellum Jugurthinum, De Bello Catilinario Et Jugurthino, Jugurtha, Conspiracy of Catiline and the Jugurthine War I do what our ancestors often did in adverse wars; I consecrate myself and offer my life for my country. Why then does the tyrant walk abroad with so great a following and with such assurance? . . Catilina de salluste by Présenté par Paul Delacroix and a great selection of related books, art and collectibles available now at AbeBooks.com. In return for these, grateful fathers, you give me want and hunger. . 4 And naturally enough, for since his robberies have made him consul, his acts of sedition have given him a province and an army, what might he not have gained by good conduct, when you have rewarded his crimes so generously? 9 On the death of Sulla, who had imposed this infamous slavery upon you, you believed that your troubles were ended; up rose Catulus, a tyrant far crueller than Sulla. . . Fast and free shipping free returns cash on delivery available on eligible purchase. The enemy, a cowardly race of poorly-armed Greeks and Africans, did not resist them any further. 20 Surely it is in vain that he and other good citizens are taking thought for the republic. Auf dieser Übersichtsseite haben wir alle lateinischen Texte und deren Übersetzungen des römischen Autors “Sallust” aufgeführt. Books Advanced Search Today's Deals New Releases Amazon Charts Best Sellers & More The Globe & Mail Best Sellers New York Times Best Sellers Best Books of the Month Children's Books Textbooks Kindle Books Advanced . In the Celtiberian war and . Furthermore, he declares that the republic cannot be established, and war ended, unless the commons are forever driven from their lands, the citizens cruelly plundered, and all rights and jurisdiction, once belonging to the Roman people, placed in his own hands. [2.9] {2.7M} L . He says that he wishes to render unto each his own, and keeps the property of others; to annul laws established in time of war, while he uses armed compulsion; to establish the citizenship of those from whom he denies that it has been taken, and in the interests of peace to restore the power of the tribunes, from which all our discords were kindled. . Therefore he tried to rival Alexander's achievements and plans. Huic ab adulescentia bella intestina, caedes, rapinae, discordia civilis grata fuere ibique iuventutem suam exercuit. Or is it those who are in suing for office were thought less worthy than Fufidius, a vile wench, the dishonour of all honours? 2 But in these present troubles it is different, and along with Fortune everything else has deserted me. 17 I do not urge you to avenge your wrongs, but rather to seek quiet; and it is not because I desire discord, as they charge, but because I wish to put an end to it, that I demand restitution according to the law of nations. Sallust: Catilinarische Verschwörung (Archäologie: Abriss der römischen Sittengeschichte, Sall.Cat.5,9-13); Lateinischer Text und deutsche Übersetzung Nos personalia non concoquimus. | 20.03.14 # Unless perhaps it was from another motive than fear that Gaius Cotta, a consul chosen from the heart of the aristocratic party, restored some of their rights to the people's tribunes. But the consuls distributed the provinces which had been decreed by the senate, Cotta taking Hither Gaul and Octavius taking Cilicia. Adversity and prosperity changed my resources, not my character. 21 A new army is ready, besides the colonies of veterans, all the nobles, and the best leaders; fortune attends the stronger; soon the forces which our negligence has assembled will melt away. Sertorius was lower down, on the middle couch. 4 I admit that I entered upon this war with more zeal than discretion; for within forty days of the time when I received from you the empty title of commander I had raised and equipped an army and driven the enemy, who were already at the throat of Italy, from the Alps into Spain; # and over those mountains I had opened for you another and more convenient route than Hannibal had taken. heavy mostly . . abandoned] the elevated place which he had defended with a double battle-line, after his soldiers suffered many casualties. The young men were so corrupted by luxury and wealth that it could justly be said, that they were men who could neither maintain their own family possessions, or allow others to do so. “ Quantum ingenio possum. 10 Or are you waiting for Lepidus to come again with an army and enter our city with fire and sword? Read De Coniuratione Catilinae / Die Verschworung DES Catilina book reviews & author details and more at Amazon.in. 22 It is because of acts like these that I rest my greatest confidence in the victorious army, which has gained nothing by so many wounds and hardships save a tyrant. Bennett's New Latin Grammar or, better, Allen and Greenough's New Latin Grammar. A. Novokhatko’s Moscow Ph. [1.98] {1.107M} L Throughout the province there were great and terrible rumours, as everyone in their fright imagined that there were fifty thousand or more of the enemy, monsters of immense size brought in from the edges of the ocean, who fed on human flesh. 7 Therefore all men have now gone over to their side, but presently, if you regain what is yours, most of them will return to you, since few have courage to defend their independence, the rest belong to the stronger. 6 For my own part, at the very outset, when I saw Etruria conspiring, the proscribed recalled, and the state rent asunder by bribery, I thought that there was no time to be lost and with a few others I followed the standard of Catulus. Conjuration de Catilina - French An "acceleration" reader exists on-line for Sallust, located here. }, who were greatly agitated by Pompeius' letters and messages, both because of the interests of the state and because they feared that, if he led his army into Italy, they would have neither glory nor position, used every means to provide him with money and reinforcements. 5 All these things that caricature of Romulus holds in his possession, as if they had been wrested from foreigners; and not content with their destruction of so many armies, consuls, and other leading men, whom the fortune of war had swept away, he grows more cruel at a time when success turns most men from wrath to pity. 8 Moreover, Etruria is aroused, as well as all the other smouldering fires of war; the Spanish provinces are stirred to revolt, Mithridates, who is close beside those of our tributaries from whom we still receive support, is watching for an opportunity for war; in short, for the overthrow of our empire nothing is lacking save a competent leader. [ 5 lines missing ] . In this way, he avoided the enemy fleet while crossing over the sea between the mole and the island, and reached the town {of Cyzicus}. and praised [what he directed them to do]. 5 In fact, the Romans have one inveterate motive for making war upon all nations, peoples and kings; namely, a deep-seated desire for dominion and for riches. . Diese Website benutzt Cookies. 13 In your own name, fellow-citizens, and by the glory of your ancestors, I conjure you to endure adversity and take thought for your country. 3 O ye good gods, who still watch over this city, for which we take no thought, Marcus Aemilius, the lowest of all criminals - and it is not easy to say whether he is more vicious or more cowardly - has an army for the purpose of overthrowing our liberties, and from contemptible has made himself terrible! *FREE* shipping on eligible orders. Sed in iis erat Sempronia, quae multa saepe virilis audaciae facinora conmiserat. 27 Yet even these privileges are denied to the country people, who are cut down in the quarrels of the great, and sent to the provinces as gifts to the magistrates.