The Big Conjunction of Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto Throughout 2020. Thursday, November 12, 2020. As with most things, we may not realize the impact of some of these shifts until much later. This is the third time this year that this aspect activated. The year 2020 kicks off a decade of an astrological cycle known as the Jupiter Saturn Pluto Transformation, or According to Astrology, their energies merge and work together: you can’t take one into account without considering the other. The Pluto-Jupiter conjunctions for 2020 follow on from the major Pluto-Saturn conjunction of January 2020 – the once-in-a-500-year seed point that was the “cause” of the coronavirus epidemic and the global transformation that is now unfolding.. Significant is that the November 12, 2020 Jupiter-Pluto Conjunction @22Cap51 is joined by a transiting midpoint of Mercury-Mars.This duo has political implications in the realms of debate, oration, and discussion. Jupiter conjunction Pluto: November 12, 2020. This is yet another most significant aspect that will shed greater light on a lot of things. It also relates to powers of thought, determination, achievement and … A conjunction occurs when two planets meet up in the same sign, and a Jupiter-Pluto conjunction … I do journal writing to manage my thoughts and emotions when they become too strong. During 2020, Jupiter and Pluto will begin a new cycle in Capricorn with Saturn also present in Capricorn for most of the year. In modern times oil is the currency for our planet and has made globalism possible through long distant travel (Jupiter). With Jupiter conjunct Pluto in Capricorn more specifically (in 2020), there is a powerful desire to put our ideas and projects into practice and to produce concrete results. Jupiter & Pluto will be conjuncting (positioned at the same degree) three times this year, first in April 2020, then later in June 2020 & finally in November 2020, The chart below illustrates our first Jupiter & Pluto conjunction will take place on the 4/5 April 2020 at 24.53 0 Capricorn. This alignment is rare, happening only every 12-13 years. With Pluto, we often witness the exposure of something that was previously hidden or unclear, while Jupiter’s influence is increasing the need for substantial and radical change. Pluto is exposing and destroying what is not authentic to allow us to make space for new structures and systems that are more aligned with our true nature and purpose. The Big Conjunction of Jupiter Saturn Dancing Close throughout 2020 Culminating December in Aquarius The moving planets in the heavens are impacting all of us collectively. These dates can be seen as the beginning, middle, and end of the cycle, and while we will feel the effects of this alignment from the end of March right up until December, these specific dates may provide some clues as to what’s instore under this fated alignment. Aspects for you will likely be felt between 20 and 26 degrees of: Capricorn - conjunction. 2020 Astrology Predictions: The Beginning of a New Astrological Era, The 2020 Great Conjunction: Saturn Conjunct Jupiter in Aquarius, 2020 Saturn-Pluto Conjunction—Exploring the Deepest Shadow, 2020 Astrology Predictions: Lunar Nodes Enter Gemini and Sagittarius, Saturn in Aquarius: Reordering Structures and Developing Innovation, Jupiter in Capricorn Puts You Under the Midas Touch, Prepare for what 2021 has in store for you. Tweet. Saturn has also remained in the wings… but will talk about that soon. The second Jupiter-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn occurs on June 30, 2020. Jupiter formed an exact conjunction to Pluto on November 12th at 12:13 PM (Pacific Time). By tuning into ourselves and cultivating some time to Jupiter and Pluto were conjunct during the outbreak of the Spanish Flu in 1918. The mundane world symbolism as Saturn conjunct Pluto perfects (January 12, 2020), is extraordinary to say the least. Jupiter and Pluto meet only every 12-13 years, and this is the last time they will meet in an Earth sign for a long while. Key Astro Events of 2020 Saturn/Pluto conjunct in Capricorn. Jupiter conjunct Pluto ~ 4 April, 30 June & 12 November 2020. This is yet another most significant aspect that will shed greater light on a lot of things. And Johnson & Johnson announced a potential vaccine that will start trials in September for release in early 2021. It means being able to find harmony between work and rest, to relax without feeling guilty, and to take responsibility for both our inner and outer life. The Pluto-Jupiter conjunctions for 2020 follow on from the major Pluto-Saturn conjunction of January 2020 – the once-in-a-500-year seed point that was the “cause” of the coronavirus epidemic and the global transformation that is now unfolding.. Jupiter joining forces with the Lord of the Underworld is bringing forth a huge transformation of the ways we perceive the archetype of Capricorn and all the themes related to it. Pluto is the force of evolution: he radically changes the expression of each sign he transits through by bringing all shadows to the surface. I’m pulling it back up as we near the end of this period. For this reason, this particular Jupiter-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn is highly relevant for all of us: its effects will be long-lasting and may dramatically change reality as we know it. Jupiter conjunct Pluto occurs three times in 2020 (4/4, 6/29 & 11/12) The Jupiter-Pluto conjunctions occur 3 times in 2020. The presence of Jupiter and Pluto on the 22°degree is going to expand, exacerbate, and intensify issues that first came up at the beginning of the year: all those systems, structures, forms, and definitions that are obsolete and limiting will continue to break down. Pluto’s transit through Capricorn started in 2008 and will end only in 2023. Heather Ensworth 24,988 views. Bottom line: Jupiter and Saturn will have their 2020 great conjunction today, which is also the day of the December solstice. For context, it takes Pluto roughly 247 years to return to each astrology sign. Themes that first emerged during January are likely to come to the surface again. Jupiter and Pluto will conjunct or align three times this year, on April 4th, June 30th, and November 12th, 2020. As we turn the corner on a new decade, the cosmos are changing just as quickly as we are. By the time we reach November, we will have learned how to adjust to whatever developments have coincided with being at the threshold of a new cycle between Jupiter and Pluto, and we will be able to understand more fully how to work with whatever insights and awareness we have gained. We experience the last of a cycle of three conjunctions between the two planets in the sign of Capricorn. 2020’s Mind-Blowing Jupiter/Pluto Conjunction: Shadow & Light. The year 2020 kicks off a decade of an astrological cycle known as the Jupiter Saturn Pluto Transformation, or the Great Transformation, and … Shakti Carola Navran November 13, 2019. 30.6.2020, Jupiter-Pluto-Konjunktion (2) auf 24°07′ Steinbock; 12.11.2020, Jupiter-Pluto-Konjunktion (3) auf 22°52′ Steinbock; 21.12.2020, Jupiter-Saturn-Konjunktion auf 0°29′ Wassermann; Jupiter, Saturn und Pluto stehen praktisch das ganze Jahr 2020 auf den gleichen Tierkreisgraden im Bereich 23 bis 25 Grad Steinbock. When Jupiter Conjunct Pluto On April 4th, It Also Falls In Line With Numerology. The evolutionary purpose of Capricorn is to allow us to offer something of lasting value to the collective, by aligning with a role that reflects our essence and honors our qualities and talent. The third and final collision between the great expander (Jupiter) and planet of death & rebirth (Pluto) takes place on November 12, 2020. For this to be possible, we need a level of self-knowledge and self-mastery that we can only achieve with time and continuous dedication, in the context of a structure that promotes reflection and introspection. We can’t understand Capricorn if we don’t understand the opposite archetype, Cancer. Despite having been commonly associated with endless ambition, cold-heartedness, and thirst for money and success, Capricorn is a Yin archetype, meaning that it has feminine qualities and an energy system directed within, towards one’s inner world. On a global level, we may expect to see big shifts in things such as governments, political boundaries, economic happenings, or far-reaching advancements in technology or thought. Luckily, Jupiter helps us see the positive side of whatever takes place: the Lord of Abundance invites us to have faith in a higher order and in the fact that whatever falls apart can be re-created in a much better way. Jupiter will form its first conjunction with Pluto on April 4, 2020 at 25 degrees of Capricorn with both Jupiter and Pluto moving direct, and on June 30, 2020 they will form … The last time Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto were conjunct in Capricorn was in 1894 BCE. Welcome to the second of three Jupiter conjunctions with Pluto in 2020! Jupiter, Pluto, and Saturn transiting through Capricorn will bring lessons of maturity and responsibility cultivated through acceptance of natural cycles of change. Jupiter conjunct Pluto can indicate a big realization, epiphany, truth, wisdom, awareness that changes what you think and believe about the world. Capricorn is a sign that has been widely misunderstood. Jupiter conjunct Pluto occurs three times in 2020 (4/4, 6/29 & 11/12) The Jupiter-Pluto conjunctions occur 3 times in 2020. The next time will be in 2755 CE. The Jupiter-Pluto conjunction is taking place at 22° Capricorn, the same degree where the last Saturn-Pluto conjunction happened, back in January. Date 7.17.2020, summarizes the power plays mirrored in the Jupiter-Pluto synodic, heliocentric conjunction July 31, 2020. This conjunction takes place every 33.42-years and is followed by Jupiter jointing Pluto in three phases April 4, 2020, June 30, and November 21 making this a most unusual three planet close alignment. I wrote this in January 2020 and updated it when Jupiter go involved. The next couple of years hold a tremendous possibility as well as challenge for the collective and the individual. A number of astrologers are suggesting that the coming conjunction of Jupiter with Pluto indicates that we will get a break from our present troubles, that there’ll be a repreive from our economic crisis and other woes. The Sociopolitical sphere will expand its contents, initiating a new 12.5-year cycle. Jupiter conjunct Pluto ~ 4 April, 30 June & 12 November 2020. The Jupiter conjunct Pluto transit is encouraging people to express the power that’s emerging during this period, and people may find themselves involved in many struggles that are consuming them. The last time Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto were this close in tropical Capricorn was 1894 BC. Jupiter R conjunct Pluto R [24 Capricorn 06] – June 30, 2020 (06:46 GMT+1) Jupiter conjunct Pluto [22 Capricorn 51] – November 12, 2020 (21:39 GMT) The Saturn/Pluto conjunction coincided with the onset of the virus. To fully understand the significance of this cosmic alignment, it is crucial to demystify the true meaning and the evolutionary purpose of the Capricorn archetype, beyond the way it was distorted. Email This BlogThis! Jupiter will form its first conjunction with Pluto on April 4, 2020 at 25 degrees of Capricorn with both Jupiter and Pluto moving direct, and on June 30, 2020 they will form their second conjunction at 25 degrees of Capricorn with both Jupiter and Pluto moving retrograde. Jupiter conjunct Pluto: a Powerful New Beginning . Finally, after Jupiter and Pluto both station direct, they will form their final conjunction of the series on November 12, 2020 at 23 degrees of Capricorn. This is the third time this year that this aspect activated. Framed by a large windmill, and a plane passing by with its contrail backlit by the sun, Jupiter and Saturn align for the first time in 800 years on December 21, 2020 in Berthoud, Colorado. Jupiter conjunct Pluto Transit . A conjunction is when two planets, from our perspective on Earth, form an exact angle of 0° and look perfectly aligned. The Jupiter-Pluto conjunction is not only reflecting a dramatic transformation in the structure of society and the economic system: it is having a direct effect on our emotional and physical bodies, on the structure of our consciousness; it is affecting our beliefs, our dreams, and our vision for the future. With Pluto, we often witness the exposure of something that was previously hidden or unclear, while Jupiter’s influence is increasing the need for substantial and radical change. After Pluto’s pivotal start to the year in January 2020, he has continued to weave his influence in very powerful ways. It expands our world both physically and mentally, instilling a desire for greater knowledge and high philosophies. April 2020, 30. 21 december 2020 - Jupiter Conjunct Saturnus in Waterman Save the date: Age of Aquarius Op 21 december 2020 hebben we de belangrijkste astrologische gebeurtenis van de eeuw: Jupiter en Saturnus ontmoeten elkaar op 0 ° Waterman en markeren het begin aan van een nieuwe 200-jarige Air ERA. Capricorn correlates to the limits of our perception, to our physical boundaries, to the restrictions we impose on ourselves, and to those forced upon us by the external environment. An Exercise in Understanding Aspects . Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. Jupiter and Pluto will form three conjunctions in 2020, creating an extended period from April through November to come to terms with the meaning that can be gathered from being at the ending and beginning of their cycle. In fact, the year will begin with a conjunction between Saturn and Pluto and will end with a conjunction between Saturn and Jupiter, with the transit of Jupiter in 2020 cohering the meaning of Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto all beginning new cycles together. Since Jupiter and Pluto are uniting in Capricorn, they will be under rulership of the slow and steady Saturn, bringing tests that temper the potential excess and inflation of Jupiter. On April 4th 2020 at 6:11am UTC Jupiter and Pluto are opening a stargate. After 2020, the next great conjunctions will occur on November 2, 2040 and April 7, 2060. They also spell the downfall, very specifically, of any person, group or organisation which had total control b… They mark traumatic structural turnings points in world affairs. Now with Jupiter Direct in Capricorn, November 12, 2020 will be the last time Jupiter and Pluto conjunct in Capricorn in our lifetimes! The Saturn Pluto conjunction (something that only happens every approx 34 years) took place on January 12, paving the way for the Jupiter + Pluto story. In 2020, Jupiter will conjunct Pluto three times: April 4, June 30, and November 12. While Cancer is about reaching a sense of inner and emotional security, Capricorn is about achieving financial and material security: they are both essential and equally important. Posted by Jude Cowell at 2:09 PM. We will feel the rejuvenating influence of Jupiter and Pluto when fully participating in moments of creation, becoming absorbed in bridging the immaterial with the material, and bringing imaginal ideas into manifestation. Yet, the tension and the drama that may be reflected by the Jupiter-Pluto conjunction can be fuel for our creative energy. On April 4, 2020 we have Jupiter conjunct Pluto at 24°53′ in Human Design Gate 61.5. Here's what it means in astrology, plus your horoscope by zodiac sign. JUPITER CONJUNCT PLUTO IN CAPRICORN November 12, 2020 Astrology Horoscope. Juni 2020, 12.November 2020 Spürbarer Einfluss: ca 2 Wochen davor und 2 Wochen danach _ Pluto wälzt die Gesellschaft radikal um und Uranus im Stier würfelt die Märkte durcheinander. We are encouraged to go beyond outdated hierarchies, traditions, norms, and conditioning, and to create something much better. There are 3 dates in 2020 when Jupiter conjoins Pluto: April 5, June 30 (when Jupiter is retrograde) and November 13. Expansion (Jupiter) meets transformation (Pluto) for a massive surge of power. They mark traumatic structural turnings points in world affairs. Pluto turned retrograde on April 26th at 25˚ 0″ Capricorn and Jupiter will also be in retrograde motion from May 15th at 27˚ 14″ Capricorn. Good old jolly Jupiter will deliver! Heart Due to the relative speed of each planet this is … This more than any other aspect in 2020, triggers a … Jupiter combined with Pluto can bring an intense, devotional focus to work that expands beyond whatever conditioning and societal influences have convinced us was possible or impossible. And this is a … The conjunction between Jupiter and Pluto goes exact 3 times in 2020: April 4th at 24 degrees Capricorn, June 30th at 24 degrees Capricorn, and November 12th at 22 degrees Capricorn. Jupiter and Pluto conjunct three times in 2020, due to retrogrades. Now with Jupiter Direct in Capricorn, November 12, 2020 will be the last time Jupiter and Pluto conjunct in Capricorn in our lifetimes! April 5th: Jupiter 24 Capricorn conjunct Pluto 24 Capricorn 2. Claremont is a recipient of one of the 8 President Medal of Art Awards, November 21, 2019. On both these occasions, the minimum separation of Jupiter and Saturn will be 1.1 degrees—which means they will be eleven times farther apart than on December 21, 2020. Every thirteen years or so, Jupiter brings its significations for expansion and progress into union with the intense catharsis and empowerment of Pluto. Jupiter correlates to Natural Laws, to authenticity, to experiential knowledge, and our sense of meaning: the Jupiter-Pluto conjunction reflects the death and rebirth of our belief system. Each and every one of us is now being urged to release resistance, let go of what does not feel authentic anymore, and join the global shift fearlessly. Changing one of these factors can change the others: this is why working on ourselves is so crucial in times like these. The first two times occurred on April 4th and June 30th. Jupiter is the planet from which the kindly word “jovial” derives and which is said to act as the Greater Benefic in the lives of men. I wonder if that would help channel that massive energy. Hindsight is 20/20 -- even in Astrology! I’ll be writing about Saturn in Aquarius soon (and that’s now published) but, for now, lets take a look at what Saturn is leaving behind – a close conjunction of Jupiter and Pluto in Capricorn that will be in effect until the end of 2020. Comment below what resonated with you the most and tap on the heart if you enjoyed this article! Jupiter conjunct Pluto 2020. Jupiter conjunct Pluto 2019-2020: Dreaming a New World into Being - Duration: 16:14. Jupiter Conjunct Pluto 2020: The Retrograde Pass. This is the energy for mystery and influence. As a result, we can expect an initial narrative of the changes coinciding with Jupiter’s union with Pluto to be generated in April, with an important turn of events or necessary revisioning occurring in June and July that will require integration and contemplation for how to proceed more effectively. The dynamics we experience in society are an extension of family dynamics, which in turn reflect our internal dynamics, conditionings, and core beliefs. Saturn conjunct Pluto - 12 Jan 2020 [first] Then the next only in 2053-54. No, 2020 isn't over yet, but we're experiencing the final Jupiter-Pluto conjunction of the year. Production is set to begin the exact week of the April 4 Jupiter-Pluto conjunction, with a hoped-for output of 50,000 kits per week. So Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto will all be in fairly close proximity for the vast majority of 2020. Some astrologers call this conjunction the ‘millionaire’s aspect’. This aspect is associated with an incredible amount of inspiration: the Jupiter-Pluto alignment grants us the motivation we need to build new structures and systems with authentic meaning. But then it gets really interesting for us as individuals when they connect through hard aspects to planets in our charts and therefore our lives. We’re particularly positive about work and effort, and we more readily see the value of a step-by-step approach, making it more likely we’ll succeed (Jupiter conjunct Pluto may push too hard or too fast, or go too far). Saturn/Pluto conjunctions in any sign occur at intervals between 31 and 38 years, depending on the irregularity of Pluto’s orbit. Key Astro Events of 2020 Saturn/Pluto conjunct in Capricorn. November 12th Jupiter 22 Capricorn conjunct Pluto 22 Capricorn These unusual patterns spell opportunity and change. The purpose of their alignment is to inspire us to become visionary: write new rules, find new definitions of success, discover new paths, new priorities, and new standards of behaviors. The last one was in December 2007. 4/4: Jupiter and Pluto traveling Direct 6/29: Jupiter and Pluto both Retrograding 11/12: Jupiter and Pluto traveling Direct. This configuration represents a powerful new beginning: Jupiter and Pluto are starting a new cycle and won’t meet again until 2033. Jupiter formed an exact conjunction to Pluto on November 12th at 12:13 PM (Pacific Time). One of the major planetary cycles taking place in 2020 is the Jupiter Pluto Conjunction. Jupiter conjunct Pluto. Jupiter Conjunct Pluto The Phoenix Rises From The Ashes - … A picture taken on December 21, 2020, in al-Salmi district, a desert area 120 km west of Kuwait City, shows the great conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn. Some astrologers call this conjunction the ‘millionaire’s aspect’. The conjunction between Jupiter, the benefactor with the big vision and Saturn, confronting us with obstacles and problems along the way we have to get ready. Astrology in June and July 2020 – The Second Jupiter Conjunct Pluto. Jupiter and Pluto will conjunct or align three times this year, on April 4th, June 30th, and November 12th, 2020. The first two times occurred on April 4th and June 30th. 4/4: Jupiter and Pluto traveling Direct 6/29: Jupiter and Pluto both Retrograding 11/12: Jupiter and Pluto traveling Direct. March 16, 2020 healthmanifested. By: Victoria Bagnell. How will Saturn conjunct Pluto 2020 affect us? To top it off, Jupiter and Saturn form their historic 19.77-year conjunction December 21, 2020! Holding healthy boundaries is an essential and non-negotiable part of this process. 16:14. It is associated with the process of aging, with time and maturation, and with the awareness of one’s limitations and mortality. Virgo, Taurus - …