Due to the rapidly increasing infection rates, the "Coronaschutzverordnung" currently only allows a maximum of 5 people from two households to meet in public (Children up to 14 years excluded). For questions on the coronavirus, please feel free to contact the Bonn citizens helpline at +49(0)228-7175 between 8 am and 4 pm, Monday to Friday. React quickly - Always sneeze and cough into the inside of your elbow. Mitarbeiter in Fakultäten, Zentralverwaltung etc. Außerdem müssen Einreisen auch weiterhin digital angemeldet werden. - Desinfiziere Deine Hände am Eingang und wasche sie regelmäßig und ausdauernd mit Seife, Kurier Dich aus! Zwölf viel zitierte Wissenschaftler . Zwölf viel zitierte Wissenschaftler. bonndoc - The Repository of the University of Bonn. University of Bonn. So I can call you back: just leave me the necessary information here. Aufgrund der rasant gestiegenen Infektionszahlen erlaubt die Coronaschutzverordnung aktuell nur noch das Treffen von maximal fünf Personen aus zwei Hausständen (Kinder bis 14 Jahre werden nicht mitgezählt) in der Öffentlichkeit. Corona Virus - Information. Yes: Then connect to the University network via VPN client in order to access the licensed contents. Um die Ausbreitung des Corona-Virus einzudämmen, bleibt die Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Bonn bis zum 10.01.2021 geschlossen.Dies betrifft sowohl die Hauptbibliothek (Adenauerallee 39-41, 53113 Bonn) als auch die Abteilungsbibliothek MNL (Friedrich-Hirzebruch-Allee 4, ehemals: Nußallee 15a, 53115 Bonn). Researchers at Lund University in Sweden have recorded coughs resolved at high temporal resolution - 8,000 images per second - and high detection sensitivity, using laser light scattering. Literature search. Kontaktieren Sie bei Beschwerden mit Grippesymptomatik telefonisch Ihren Hausarzt. Ist dieser nicht erreichbar, hilft der kassenärztliche Bereitschaftsdienst unter der Rufnummer 116117 weiter. Visiting our Institute during the Corona pandemic (partly in German) Read more. Ultrashort laser pulses … Unabhängig von den universitätsinternen Regelungen empfehlen wir die Verwendung der Corona-Warn-App des Bundes, die in den App-Stores von Apple und Google zum Download bereitsteht. Those taking a PCR test instead of a rapid test must quarantine until test results are received. Payment of fees at the library is currently not possible. The office hours of the Bachelor-Master Office are as follows:. The Department of Human Resources Management has compiled additional information for employees regarding the impact of the lockdown on work. Its purpose is the electronic publishing of different documents of the University of Bonn. Adenauerallee 24-26. Kontaktieren Sie bei Beschwerden mit Grippesymptomatik telefonisch Ihren Hausarzt. The latest information from the university on the coronavirus you can find here. Auf den Internetseiten der einzelnen Bundesländer kann der Reisende sich das eventuelles Bonn Beherbergungsverbot und dessen Geltungsradius ansehen. In the Winter Semester 2020/2021, we are continuing with most of our courses online as required by current regulations in … Keep yourself clean - Disinfect your hands at University entrances and wash them regularly and thoroughly with soap. 22.04.2020. 21.12.2020 – Die Infektionsraten von COVID-19 steigen derzeit trotz der bisher getroffenen Maßnahmen. Maintain distance - Always maintain a distance of at least 1.5 meters to protect yourself and those around you. Tag - Themenschwerpunkt Mathematik, Programm 3. Protective measures against Corona Virus Throughout the museum, masks are compulsory and only a maximum of 4 people per household are allowed on each floor, so … Corona Virus - Information. Seit dem 16.12. sind Präsenzveranstaltungen unzulässig. Furthermore guests may arrive, if it is ensured that they are provided with an own office. Welcome to the Institute of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry 17.06.2020. Auf einer Sonderseite haben wir zudem Wissenswertes zum Thema Mund-Nase-Bedeckung gesammelt. If you started your studies in the winter term 2020/21 we will try to support you as much as possible. University of Bonn members may use reading rooms to study and work. Phone: +49-(0)228/73-0 To make this work, all members and guests of the University of Bonn must follow the coronavirus infection protection regulations. Similar to other areas in life, everyone involved must act responsibly and stay informed about current developments. Endenicher Allee 60 53115 Bonn. The public event is organized by Scotland House in Brussels. In addition, we recommend using the governmental Corona Warning App, available for download in Apple and Google app stores. - Frischluft mindert die Aerosole in der Raumluft, Bleib informiert! As of December 28, a new Ordinance on entering North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) applies. uni-bonn.tv. Suspicious cases can be reported internally to the occupational safety department by e-mail. What would have seemed impossible to us only a couple of months ago has, with the coronavirus pandemic, in the meantime become reality. Verdachtsfälle können uni-intern dem Arbeitsschutz per Mail gemeldet werden. Corona Regulation: Classroom courses suspended In order to combat the corona virus, no more face-to-face teaching and examination events will be held until 10 January 2021. with attempt number 2 or 4), this registra-tion is also valid for the 1st exam date in February. To avoid the spread of the Corona virus, the Bonn University and State Library will remain closed until January 10, 2021.This regards both the Main Library (Adenauerallee 39-41, 53113 Bonn) and MNL Branch Library (Friedrich-Hirzebruch-Allee 4, formerly: Nußallee 15a, 53115 Bonn). Corona - Restrictions in use of the library; Sections. an das Bürgertelefon der Bundesstadt Bonn wenden. Es gibt keine Ausnahmen für Praktika, Exkursionen oder Präsenzprüfungen. Update: November 13, 2020. Thursday, 14-16h First Lecture: 23.4.2020. The BD FACSMelody is a small and easy to use cell sorter, equipped with three lasers (405nm, 488nm, 561nm) and capable of detecting 11 parameters. 22.04.2020. Bilder Corona-Seiten Information for teaching staff Information for employees Important documents General information on the coronavirus Studying. 7hlo 5hjhoxqjhq ehwuhiihqg gdv 6wxglxp 2qolqh 3u ixqjhq 'lh +rfkvfkxohq vlqg ehixjw +rfkvfkxosu ixqjhq lq hohnwurqlvfkhu )rup rghu lq hohnwurqlvfkhu .rppxqlndwlrq 2qolqh 3u ixqjhq de]xqhkphq 'hu The academy had schools for theology, law, pharmacy and general studies. using a scanned signature. If you experience symptoms of a … 22.04.2020. Showing 1 - 20 results of 43 for search '"Corona‐Rivera, Jorge Román"' Skip to content. In Zeiten von Corona ist die Erreichbarkeit im Büro oft eingeschränkt. 12/11/2020 Corona-Update: first indications of new regulations. This also applies to internships, excursions, and on-site exams. If you feel unwell, had contact with a person infected with the coronavirus or are returning from a risk area, you must not enter University of Bonn premises. FacultiesUniversity and State LibraryUniversity Computer CentreUniversity HospitalCentral Student Counselling ServiceRegistrar´s officeStudent unionElectronic directory. Visiting our Institute during the Corona pandemic (partly in German) Read more. Es gibt ein paar Ausnahmen von der Testpflicht. Corona, cocoa and career: University of Bonn invites you to the digital Dies academicus As in every year, this winter semester at the University of Bonn will once again take place, where university members and external guests will get insights into the diversity of science. Die Corona Warn App hilft, in Ballungsgebieten & Städten wie Bonn die gegenwärtigen Corona Infektionswerte niedrig zu halten. - Trag eine Mund-Nase-Bedeckung innerhalb der Universität, Bleib sauber! Finance Group. Update: November 13, 2020 . Since 1st of September HCM events are possible if the University’s regulations for hygiene can be met. Are you a member of Bonn University? Recover fully first - You are not allowed to enter University premises if you experience any symptoms of illness or if you have been in contact with infected persons. Matthias Kreck would like to accompany you through a video series „Mathematics for everyone - during corona times“ („Mathematik für alle - in Zeiten von Corona“). How can I pay my fees for overdue books? Limited activities of HCM . Unlocking the secret of cell regulation. Extensive information can be found on the Uni Bonn and the Examination Office homepages: Uni Bonn homepage Examination Office of the Department of Economics . Lesen Sie unsere Informationen zur Schliessung der ULB Bonn aufgrund der Corona Schutz-Verordnung des Landes NRW vom 16.12.2020-10.01.2021. Prior booking is required. Student council Mathematics of the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn. Stay informed - Always stay up to date with the latest regulations. Verdachtsfälle können uni-intern dem Arbeitsschutz per Mail gemeldet werden. I am interested in ... (Junior) Trimester Programs (TP/JTP) Mathematischer Salon; Recorded talks; Deadlines for Applications . Read more. In case of any questions or problems contact me via e-mail. According to a study, Mainz has clearly made up ground in the ranking of major German cities in terms of economic power. If you experience symptoms of a cold, please call your family doctor. Yes: Then connect to the University network via VPN client in order to access the licensed contents. Title: GBU_AG_Labore-HEP Author: Klaus Desch Created Date: 20200625094752Z Bleiben Sie gesund! - Mindestens 1,5 Meter zum Schutz für Dich und Deine Mitmenschen, Lüfte oft! The Corona crisis presents students and employees of the University of Bonn with new challenges every day. Digital registration continues to be required for entering NRW. In the Winter Semester 2020/2021, we are continuing with most of our courses online as required by current regulations in … Davon betroffen sind auch Praktika, Exkursionen und Präsenzklausuren. For all further regulations, please refer to the relevant subsections for teaching staff, students, employees as well as “important documents”. Universität Bonn
Student Services offered by the University of Bonn Before your studies During your studies Bachelor's degree programs Master's programs M.Sc. Please pay via bank transfer as per following details: IBAN: DE08 3705 0198 0000 0576 95 BIC: COLSDE 33 Empfänger: … Um innerhalb der Universität zügig auf Corona-(Verdachts-)Fälle reagieren zu können, können diese dem Arbeitsschutz unter der speziell hierfür eingerichteten Mail-Adresse gemeldet werden. The Universities of Bonn (Germany) and St Andrews (Scotland) are hosting a digital panel discussion with high-profile guests on the role of science in the corona pandemic, set for Tuesday, November 17, 2:00 to 3:30 pm (MEZ). Tel: (0228) 73 53 82 Mob: 01590 1489564 (reachable during AWD) Email: info@fsmath.uni-bonn… the winter term 2020/21 because you are abroad and cannot travel to Bonn due to the corona pandemic, it is possible in individual cases, with the agreement of the lecturer, to take the examination at your desk at home with surveillance via zoom, and then submit it digitally. 1 was here. 22.04.2020. Hierbei handelt es sich lediglich um ein internes Verfahren - eventuelle Meldepflichten, beispielsweise gegenüber dem Gesundheitsamt, bleiben weiterhin bestehen! bonndoc is being run by the University and State Library of Bonn. Are you a member of Bonn University? Naturally, this also affects our astro122 lecture that is typically attended by around 100 students (give or take). The following seven points summarize the most important rules for a safe University visit: Act responsibly - Wear a mouth and nose cover in University indoor areas. Among others those measures include: Exams postponed/cancelled; Lecture period … The ongoing Corona virus epidemic continues to shake up things a bit. So sollten beispielsweise auch weiterhin Dinge online erledigt werde, die nicht zwingend einen Besuch vor Ort benötigen. Dies betrifft über die bisherigen Regelungen hinaus nicht nur Vorlesungen, sondern alle Veranstaltungen. Für alle weiteren Regelungen besuchen Sie bitte die entsprechenden Unterseiten für Lehrende, Studierende, Beschäftigte sowie die Unterseite "Wichtige Dokumente". Lectures in lecture halls and experiments in laboratories were swiftly transformed into online courses and video conferences. Wie in anderen Lebensbereichen auch, müssen daher alle Beteiligten Verantwortungsbewusstsein zeigen und sich immer mit den aktuellen Entwicklungen vertraut machen. Conditions: 50,- € minimum order value, delivery at your desired date, Mon - Sat 7 am … Diese ist durch eine Schnell- oder PCR-Testung binnen maximal 24 Stunden vor der Einreise oder unmittelbar nach der Einreise zu erfüllen. Wir wünschen allen Universitätsangehörigen ein erfolgreiches Wintersemester. More . Purchase proposal Purchase proposal "Bonn Center for Dependency and Slavery Studies Using the library. Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn of 7 May 2020 on the regulations concerning studies in accordance with the Corona Epidemic Higher Education Ordinance of 15 April 2020 (RB-CEHV) Decision of the Examination Committee of Mathematics of 10 June 2020: 1. In the "Important Documents" section, you will find Circular 100/2020, which contains all regulations regarding on-site teaching and exams, ULB and learning spaces, home office, childcare, business travel, and closure of university buildings. Universitätsverlag "Bonn University Press", Kontakt Eröffnung des Akademischen Jahres. Are you a member of Bonn University? Office hours of the Bachelor-Master Office The 'Mathematikzentrum' is currently closed again. Please make sure to stay informed. Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung. Trimester Program "Discrete Optimization" (September 6 - December 27, 2021) Deadline: February 28, 2021; Program Information. Postal Address: Universität Bonn D-53012 Bonn. Das Dezernat für Personalmanagement der Universität Bonn hat den Beschäftigten weitere Informationen bezüglich der Auswirkungen des Lockdowns auf die Arbeit zusammengestellt. „Sign of life - Keeping up the conversation:" Contributions from university members, which were made under the impression of the fight against the coronavirus and the resulting conditions. Within only a few weeks, the University of Bonn has turned into a university following an online approach. In order to be able to react quickly to corona (suspected) cases within the university, these can be reported to the Occupational Health and Safety Department at the e-mail address specially set up for this purpose. This involves further information on the topics: Home office, trainees, childcare, persons with pre-existing conditions, business trips, entering NRW and officially ordered quarantine. Postal Address: Universität Bonn D-53012 Bonn, University and State LibraryUniversity Computer Center (HRZ)University Hospital, University Infrastructure and Facility Services, Junior Year Program and Global Exchange Program, "Pro-Motion" - Opportunities for Internationals, Hausdorff Center for Mathematics: Foundations, Models, Applications, ImmunoSensation2: the immune sensory system, Beyond Slavery and Freedom: Asymmetrical Dependencies in Pre-Modern Societies, PhenoRob - Robotics and Phenotyping for Sustainable Crop Production, ML4Q – Matter and Light for Quantum Computing, Mathematics, Modelling and Simulation of Complex Systems, Building Blocks of Matter and Fundamental Interactions, Past Worlds and Modern Questions. All Corona-News. Lesen Sie unsere Informationen zur Schliessung der ULB Bonn aufgrund der Corona Schutz-Verordnung des Landes NRW vom 16.12.2020-10.01.2021. Corona: ULB introduces digitization service for urgent University demand Digitization service for urgently needed literature available as of April 3, 2020. Die folgenden sieben Punkte fassen die wichtigsten Regeln für einen sicheren Besuch der Universität zusammen: Zeige Verantwortung! Grundsätzlich werden Klausuren für die zweite Prüfungsphase des WS 19/20 in das schriftliche Prüfungsformat Hausarbeit als Kompensation umgewandelt, weil wir nur so persönliche Kontakte und damit Übertragungsrisiken ausschließen können. How can I pay my fees for overdue books? In the times of Corona, reaching me on the phone in the office can be difficult. 12/11/2020 Corona-Update: first indications of new regulations. We have all had to completely redesigned processes within a few weeks. : +49 (0) 228 73-9225 Fax: +49 (0) 228 73-99 5048 E-Mail: hakenes(at)uni-bonn.de In the times of Corona, … Unlocking the secret of cell regulation. Damit das funktionieren kann, sind alle Universitätsangehörigen und Gäste dazu aufgerufen, die Regelungen zum Schutz vor einer Infektion mit dem Corona-Virus zu befolgen. Naturally, this also affects our astro122 lecture that is typically attended by around 100 students (give or take). Die Lage bleibt weiterhin volatil und die Pandemie kann sich in den kommenden Wochen weiter verschärfen. Praktische Ausbildungseinheiten (wie PJ oder Praxis-Semester in Lehramtsstudiengängen) sind nur unter Berücksichtigung der Vorgaben für den jeweiligen Praxisbereich zulässig. Matthias Kreck would like to accompany you through a video series „Mathematics for everyone - during corona times“ („Mathematik für alle - in Zeiten von Corona“). E-mail: ja (ergänze @math.uni-bonn.de) Time and Place . Position: Director of the institute, professor of finance Tel. Tests must be taken within 24 hours prior to entering or immediately upon entering NRW. If you cannot get a hold of your family doctor, please contact 116117 for the non-emergency doctor on call. For questions on the coronavirus, please feel free to contact the Bonn citizens helpline at +49(0)228-7175 between 8 am and 4 pm, Monday to Friday. Darin finden Sie alle Regelungen zu den Themen Präsenzlehre und -prüfungen, ULB und Lernorte, Homeoffice, Kinderbetreuung, Dienstreisen und Schließung der universitären Gebäude. Konkret geht es um die Themen: Homeoffice, Auszubildende, Kinderbetreuung, Personen mit Vorerkrankungen, Dienstreisen, Einreisen nach NRW und behördlich angeordneter Quarantäne. Direkt zur Navigation. The situation remains volatile and can continue to worsen in the coming weeks. There are some exceptions to this rule. Read more. No: You can then access licensed contents using the Service Pcs within the ULB Bonn. Are you a member of Bonn University? You can find a summary of all important information on what to do in case of a (suspected) coronavirus infection in Circular 71/2020 and the Circular attachment. International Students Degree Programs Before Studying During Your Studies After Graduation Study Abroad in Bonn More in news portal. Was vor einigen Monaten noch niemand für möglich gehalten hätte, ist durch die Corona-Pandemie Realität geworden. Ventilate rooms often - Fresh air reduces the aerosols in the room air. Regina-Pacis-Weg 3 D-53113 Bonn. Corona Virus - Information. More. Due to the Corona crisis the lectures will be delivered via Zoom. Purchase proposal Purchase proposal "Bonn Center for Dependency and Slavery Studies Using the library. Aus Vorlesungen im Hörsaal und Experimenten im Labor, wurden online-gestützte Lehrveranstaltungen und Videokonferenzen. Ultrashort laser pulses make greenhouse gas reactive. - 20.000+ registrations within the first 8 weeks - mentioned in Germany's top newspapers, radio and TV shows - Thanked and congratulated by Germany's President - building and managing a team of 80+ people Amelie Schiprowski receives German Economic Award from the Joachim Herz Foundation. Read more. 22.04.2020. Ist dieser nicht erreichbar, hilft der kassenärztliche Bereitschaftsdienst unter der Rufnummer 116117 weiter. Alle Informationen finden Sie auf den Seiten des Landes NRW. Due to the current situation and development regarding the Corona Virus the University of Bonn has taken measures. Select a community to browse its collections. View over the city of Mainz from the cathedral with fish-eye optics.