CUBE ACID 240 DISC REEFBLUE' KIWI 2020 bicicletta da bimbo per una statura di circa 130 cm. zzgl. Add. Cube bikes started as a brand obsessed with mountain riding. Cube; Acid 240 Disc grey´n´neongreen Cube Acid 240 Disc grey´n´neongreen - 2020 $599.99.
Dies ist ein vollwertiges Mountainbike, welches aber bezüglich der Geometrie speziell auf die Bedürfnisse von Kindern abgestimmt wurde. Cube Acid 240 (2019) – das musst Du wissen: 7-Gang-Schaltung und Federgabel; kindgerechte Rahmengeometrie; ohne Beleuchtungseinrichtung; Das Cube Acid 240 ist ein Mountainbike für Kinder, die erste Offroad-Erfahrung sammeln möchten.
Cube Acid 240 Disc reefblue´n´kiwi´n´red 2020 429,00 € inkl. Leggera e ben equipaggiata IN PRONTA CONSEGNA. MwSt. The Edge Sports Ltd Registered office The Edge Sports Superstore, 37-38 Kinsale Road Commercial Centre, Kinsale Road, Cork, Registered in Ireland Company Registration Number 484755 … Brand: Cube, Product: Acid 240 Disc The Acid 240 Disc is the bike that all youngsters will want. A range of cube mountain Bikes from Pauls Cycles.
CUBE ACID 240 Disc, reefblue´n´kiwi´n´red CHF 549.-Jetzt Beratungstermin vereinbaren Jetzt online kaufen Der grossen Tour mit Mama und Papa steht mit dem CUBE ACID DISC 24" nichts mehr im Wege. Availability: Please select options.
At Pauls Cycles we’re all about great value and helping you to Ride More, that’s why we specialise in selling end of season stock at up to 50% off.
5 Tage 24" Artikel online nicht verfügbar. This item is not permitted to be shipped, however it can be purchased online and picked up at your convenience. A versatile ride for the up-and-coming MTB-riders of today, this Acid 240 Disc features a balance between strength and agility at a low weight, a Shimano 7-Speed drivetrain, dependable disc brakes and fast-rolling wheel/tyre combo from Cube. Add to Cart. CUBE ACID 240 YOUTH HYBRID ELECTRIC BIKE 2020 £ 1595.00 GBP.
CUBE ACID 240 DISC GREY/GREEN MTB BIKE 2020 £ 395.00 GBP. Shipping options Pick up in Store Quantity. De wat grotere wielen rollen lekker licht, zodat papa en mama en natuurlijk vriendjes en vriendinnetjes goed bijgehouden kunnen worden. From £12.15 per month at 14.9 APR . Versandkosten. De Acid 240 Disc is precies wat opgroeiende kids willen. Cube Acid 240 Disc grey´n´neongreen 2020 versandkostenfrei bestellen. Lieferzeit ca.
En vanzelfsprekend zit er alles op en aan dat ook op een grote-mensen-mountainbike zit. And that shows through in all their MTBs – from the entry level Aim to the more specialist Reaction range. Das Bike hat einen Rahmen aus Aluminium; das Leichtmetall ist robust und langlebig.Ein niedrig angesetztes Oberrohr erleichtert Deinem Kind den Auf- und Abstieg. Light, strong and equipped with everything they'll need to help them keep up … Größen: 24 Zoll, SKU: 2566795S Today they offer something for every rider – even if you’ve just discovered a passion for hammering it through mud and vaulting obstacles with your bike over your shoulder. Adding to basket . A versatile ride for the up-and-coming MTB-riders of today, this Acid 240 Disc features a balance between strength and agility at a low weight, a Shimano 7-Speed drivetrain, dependable disc brakes and fast-rolling wheel/tyre combo from Cube.