De Golden Gate Bridge is een hangbrug over de zeestraat Golden Gate, de opening van de Baai van San Francisco in de Stille Oceaan.De brug maakt deel uit van zowel U.S. Route 101 als de California State Route 1 en verbindt het Schiereiland van San Francisco met Marin County ten noorden van de metropool San Francisco.De Golden Gate Bridge is een van de meest herkenbare symbolen van … The Golden Gate strait is a body of water that connects the Pacific Ocean to San Francisco Bay.
The Golden Gate Bridge, referred to by Krista Tippett as a "suicide magnet", is the second-most used suicide site/suicide bridge in the world, after the Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge (see List of suicide sites). [citation needed] The deck is about 245 feet (75 m) above the water.After a fall of four seconds, jumpers hit the water at around 75 mph (120 km/h). The Golden Gate Bridge is a suspension bridge that spans the Golden Gate strait in California.
Bridge Construction. The Golden Gate Bridge stands at the entrance to California's San Francisco Bay as a symbol of American ingenuity and resolve, having been constructed during the era of the Great Depression. Il Golden Gate Bridge è un ponte sospeso che sovrasta il Golden Gate, lo stretto che mette in comunicazione l'Oceano Pacifico con la Baia di San Francisco.Collega San Francisco, sulla punta settentrionale dell'omonima penisola, con la parte meridionale della Contea di Marin.Nella contea di Marin, la città più vicina al ponte è il piccolo centro costiero di Sausalito.