Bands from A-Z. Nuclear Blast, einer der weltweit führenden Heavy Metal Online-Shops ist die erste Adresse wenn es um das Bestellen von CDs, Vinyl, T-Shirts, DVDs und Tickets, sowie um Zubehör wie Band Shirts, Girlies, Accessoires und vielem mehr aus der Heavy Metal Szene geht. Nuclear Blast is an independent record label and mail order record distributor with subsidiaries in Germany, the United States and Brazil.
OPETH’s twelfth full-length is an unparalleled adventure, where visions cleverly and secretly change, colors mute as if weathered by time, and sounds challenge profoundly. Nuclear Blast ist ein deutsches Musiklabel mit Sitz in Donzdorf, Baden-Württemberg.Es wurde 1987 von Markus Staiger gegründet. The first album for Nuclear Blast via the band’s imprint label Moderbolaget Records, is proof chief architect Mikael Åkerfeldt has a near-endless well of greatness inside.
Nuclear Blast, one of the world leading Heavy Metal Online-Shops is the number one when it comes to ordering CDs, Vinyl, T-Shirts, DVDs and Tickets, as well as accessories such as Band Shirts, Girlies, Accessoires and a lot more from the Heavy Metal scene. By continuing to use this website, you consent to our use of cookies.
Description. In order to provide you with an optimal website and so that we can continually improve it, we use cookies. The Into the Light album was written by Victor Smolski and focuses more on the power metal side of Nuclear Blast's artists, while Out of the Dark, written by Peter Wichers, focuses more on the melodic death side. The label's first release was a vinyl compilation called Senseless Death, which featured a plethora of US hardcore bands, including Attitude, Sacred Denial, Impulse Manslaughter, and others.Only 1000 copies were pressed (catalogue # NB 001). Originally called Blast Records. By continuing to use this website, you consent to our use of cookies. 2013 Nuclear Blast. In order to provide you with an optimal website and so that we can continually improve it, we use cookies. Nuclear Blast America, Inc. 5741 Buckingham Parkway Unit C NUCLEAR BLAST AMERICA Blast Beast Resin Statue (Red) Statue - $75.00 NUCLEAR BLAST / SUBROSA Blast Beast 24" DTT Frame Der weltweite Vertrieb des Labels findet über Warner Bros. Music statt.. Der Fokus des Labels liegt auf dem Bereich Heavy Metal, wobei vom Modern-über Power-, Thrash- und Death Metal bis zum Black Metal sämtliche Metal-Subgenres behandelt werden. +49 7162 9280 26 (Mo-Fr 8-19, Sa 10-14) Switch to mobile site Switch to desktop site Each song features a different guest vocalist.
NUCLEAR BLAST AMERICA Heavy Metal Hero - Hand Numbered Poster Lithograph - $10.99 IRON MAIDEN Legacy Of The Beast: The Trooper Eddie Figure