Aschkenasy Collection Project. Publication Fund. Stellenangebote & Ausbildung. Praktika an … Powered by MoveON © QS unisolution. The offer is extended by the topics of the cooperation partners: We'll send you helpful information after you answer some admissions-related FAQs about yourself. User Account Login. The HPI Future SOC Lab offers researchers free of charge access to a powerful infrastructure to conduct their research activities. Bewerbung und Einschreibung zum Wintersemester 2020/21 Im Bewerbungs- und Immatrikulationsverfahren für das Wintersemester 2020/2021 wird es auf Grund der aktuellen Situation zu Verschiebungen bei den Terminen und Fristen für die Bewerbung und Immatrikulation kommen. Extend your Access by Proposal Submission . Get oriented for your first visit to the library.
David Kohan Jewish Music Archive . Digital Brandenburg Portal.
Over 530 research projects were supported by our Lab since it was launched together with Dell EMC, Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE), Fujitsu, and SAP in 2010. Choose the category that best describes you: Freshman; Transfer; Graduate; Also, be sure to check out our academic catalog. Information for New Students. Bercovici Estate Project. SUNY Potsdam alumna Mary Catherine Sawyer ’19 landed her first job just months after graduating from SUNY Potsdam this year.
Library services for research and teaching. Bequest Adelmann. Judaica Union Catalogue. Information for Staff & Faculty. News from the University Library . Mehlmann Collection Project. Impressum Datenschutzerklärung The main focus of the collections of the Potsdam University Library is on Brandenburgica and Judaica. Ausbildung Fachangestellte*r für Medien- und Informationsdienste an der UB Potsdam. Toggle navigation. Provenance Research. Directly to your user account. Publish open access and get funding from the Publication Fund.
With degrees in music education and theatre education—and extensive student teaching experiences as an undergraduate—she’s well prepared for her new career as a music teacher in the Bronx, N.Y. Universität Potsdam Mein Studienplatz-Portal: Aktuelle Informationen. Get in touch with us . Information for: Current Students; Faculty & Staff; … Judaica Network. University Archive. Ask A Librarian. Projects. Knowledge Processing and Information Systems Home. In the Digitales Brandenburg portal, we provide digitized works from the University Library's holdings and those of our cooperation partners free of charge. You can also contact our Office of Admissions directly at or 1-877-POTSDAM. Home; People; Teaching; Research; Software; Publications ; Our research and teaching centers upon knowledge-driven Artificial Intelligence. All Rights Reserved. To this end, we study methods for Knowledge Representation and Reasoning on the formal, algorithmic, and implementation level.