MICRO-WASH Mikrofasertuch, gelb. Swissvax Swizöl Alcantara Cleaner Mercedes Audi BMW Porsche. Product code: SE1091230. Swissvax Alcanta Cleaner bruker biologisk nedbrytbare ingredienser som er spesielt utviklet nettopp for å rense alcantara. Product picture.
Quantity in Basket: none. Leder Pflege 1000ml Lederreiniger 1000ml Leder Pflege 250 ml Bei Fragen schreiben. Zum Verkauf steht ein Messezelt der Firma Swissvax. Cleaning of these surfaces need special attention. Produkt może być stosowany do codziennego czyszczenia – bardzo łatwy w zastosowaniu. Sztuk: Ilość. Quick View .
Swissvax Alcanta Cleaner uses biological degradeable ingredients and was specifically developped for cleaning Alcantara. Swissvax Alcantara Textile Cleaner; An Effective, Safe Cleaning Spray For Alcantara Surfaces.
Add to Car. Le Swissvax Leather Cleaner Forte est une formule plus puissante du Leather Cleaner, pour l'élimination des taches tenaces et incrustées. Produktcode: SE1091230. × Sign in. Ob Kunststoff, Alcantara oder Edelholz – auch im Innenbereich wissen wir, was sich gehört.
Alcanta Cleaner – 250ml Pielęgnacja wnętrz . Alcantara (artificial suede) seats and interior linings are getting more and more popular. Innenraum- und Cockpitpflege Versandgewicht: 1.00 kg Produktpreis: 49.00€ Stück: Kaufen. This product-kit is only available through the automobile manufacturer and not through Swissvax AG.
MICRO-WASH Microfiber wash towel.
Product Code: SE1042319. Swissvax Alcanta Cleaner uses biological degradeable ingredients and was specifically developped for cleaning Alcantara. Skuteczny i w pełni bezpieczny środek do czyszczenia alcantary.
Détails. Close . Product Successfully Added to Your Basket. Product Successfully Removed from Your Cart. Shipping Weight: 1.00 kilograms. Versand möglich. Swissvax Alcantara Cleaner bestaat uit biologisch afbreekbare ingrediënten en is speciaal ontwikkeld voor het regelmatig reinigen van synthetische suèdestoffen.
Kostenlose Lieferung für viele Artikel! Finden Sie Top-Angebote für SWIZÖL SWISSVAX (19,6€/100ml) Alcanta Cleaner Alcantara Reiniger Wildleder 250ml bei eBay. Swissvax Alcanta comes pre-diluted to the correct strength for safe use on all Alcantara surfaces, and should thus be used neat.
Likevel skal man være forsiktig når man renser alcantara. LEDER- UND REINIGUNGSBÜRSTE.
Product Price: AUD 69.00 Including FREE Shipping.
SWISSVAX Alcanta Cleaner for Alcantara (Artificial Suede) Interiors, 250 ml. €39.00. 16.02.2020.
mehr erfahren Zur Kategorie Quick Detailsprays SWISSVAX Quick-Detail-Sprayprodukte.
Neither rub the material nor use harsh detergents which will permanently damage the material. Alcantara (artificial suede) seats and interior linings are getting more and more popular. This product-kit is only available through the automobile manufacturer and not through Swissvax AG. Cena: 175,50 zł. Continue Shopping Checkout .