If you pretend to run a HHG deck, go for wonders of the sky, the new accounts make easy draw SR and UR cards, you will obtain 2 bird face and 3 ducks easy, however, you will have to farm a lot for MW and Kuriboh, also farming MW gives you (maybe) Denny, so focus on the deck you want and go for the hardest to get cards you need in your deck, then aim just it farming, remember the new boosters If you need a help to build a better deck, please visit Deck Advice forum. One of the first decks I made, I did not put a single penny into. ; Visit our Patreon page and subscribe with your Discord name for $1/month. I used this deck from Lvl. Interfering w/ Opponent. Duel Links Breaking News Create and share tier lists for the lols, or the win. Dark Magic Curtain adds more consistency to the deck and helps a lot to activate the skill and to bring some surprises. Top 10 Players Decklists of the Tournaments.
Weevil Underwood + Parasite Infection. You can remove the ads and support us directly by becoming a DLM Pro member. Harpie Queen You can discard Harpie Queen from your hand to add a copy of Harpies' Hunting Ground from your Deck to your hand; Harpie Queen has a pretty high ATK for a Level 4 monster, reaching 2100 ATK under the Field Spell. A forum of this page is to discuss not your decks but Duel Links' tier list and current meta. The Duel Links Tier List is based on decks performance of the KC Cup Feb 2020 2nd Stage from 14 Feb 2020 to 17 Feb 2020. Duel Links forums; General discussion: Vagabond trade: The Duel Links Meta website is currently supported by advertisements. Malefic Stardust Dragon: DARK Dragon ★8 ATK 2500 / DEF 2000: Truth Universe [UR]: Cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. Must be Special Summoned (from your hand) by banishing 1 "Stardust Dragon" from your Extra Deck and cannot be Special Summoned by other ways. Up to date game wikis, tier lists, and patch notes for the games you love. This information is only for reference. Tier List [20 Feb 2020] Wednesday, February 19, 2020 No comments. impending doom. Join the Discord server (full access is not needed and is not granted by becoming a DLM Pro member). 1. Here's my Tier List for Yu Gi Oh Duel Links | Your competitive edge. KOG Worthy and Other Decklists [June 2020] This page notes decks in Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Links and their rating to help players build their own decks. Overview. Inappropriate comments will be deleted without any notice. Max. We sincely appreciate your understand. Harpies became notorious in Duel Links for their ability to blow up the opponent’s backrow, but not all decks run a lot of Spell/Trap Cards right now. 12 to 20 and then back at Lvl. DLM Pro members will also gain access to exclusive features.
However, having only 2000 LP left leaves you exposed, and it's a dead card if you have no dark magician left in the deck, so be careful and don't get greedy if you use Illusion Magic!
24 to reach Dlv. The general idea is to stall your opponent with cards like Bubonic Vermin and use Jade Insect to fill up their board so we can fully utilize Panda and Moray's piercing damage ability.