Cross linking fields - When a field refers to another field, make it a clickable link that takes you to that field. The World of Warcraft API, or WoW API, is a set of functions provided by Blizzard to interact with and modify the World of Warcraft interface and behavior through the use of addons and macros. WowLua is an in-game Lua scripting environment that includes an interactive Lua interpreter as well as a multi-page script editor.
3x AceLocale-3.0-6: tdBag2: Missing entry for 'Equip' tdBag2\Core\Option.lua:313: in function 'SetupOptionFrame' tdBag2\Addon.lua:239: in function Also a warning 12x Binding header TDBAG2 is defined more than once in tdBag2\Bindings.xml. How to document the API, noticed patch changes to the API here, Record noticed CTDs (Crash To Desktop) bugs here [5.4.0 API changes] Patch 5.0.4 (2012-08-28): Now returns a mapID, allowing addons to identify the current instance/continent without relying on localized names. The World of Warcraft API, or WoW API, is a set of Lua functions and facilities provided by the Blizzard WoW Client, to allow interaction with the World of Warcraft and its user interface. [WoW Classic] Patch 1.13.3 Lua API Change. – … In addition to this list, see also Debugging Functions. Lua 5.3 Reference Manual The reference manual is the official definition of the Lua language. Returns the GUID of the specified unit.
Sends a chat message.
OnLoad functions don't actually work in lua, because after calling CreateFrame(), the frame's (non-existing) OnLoad handler will have run already. "player" Returns localizedClass, englishClass, classIndex localizedclass The localized class of the specified unit as a string.
localizedClass, englishClass, classIndex = UnitClass("unit"); Parameters Arguments unit String - the unitId to query, e.g. Macros are just tiny pieces of code compared to addons, but they can do just about as much as an addon can – if you can fit it inside for 255 characters. Notably, operating system and file I/O libraries are not present. Lua in the World of Warcraft API. There are even books such as Beginning Lua with World of Warcraft Add-ons and World of Warcraft Programming: A Guide and Reference for Creating WoW Addons specifically for World of Warcraft. - Advanced Lua Unlock: Added the CreateTimer and StopTimer APIs. WowLua is an in-game Lua scripting environment that includes an interactive Lua interpreter as well as a multi-page script editor. This section describes the C API for Lua, that is, the set of C functions available to the host program to communicate with Lua. ; Functions implemented in Lua that are used by the UI. > World of Warcraft API.
WoW UI Designer; There is the Lua plugin for Intellij IDEA (Don't use AddOn Studio; it's horribly outdated and bloated) 817817 Creating Your Own WoW Addon 955264 Point me in the right direction (help me start programing an addon) 967766 Good Addon Dev Tools guid = UnitGUID("unit") Parameters Arguments unit UnitId - unit to look up the GUID of. The Eluna Lua Engine© API allows you to add your own Lua code to be executed when certain events (called "hooks") occur. Eluna is a Lua … These functions are part of the Lua programming language (v5.1), described in the Lua 5.1 Reference Manual..
Lua 5.3 Reference Manual The reference manual is the official definition of the Lua language.
Other features include: Syntax coloring, courtesy of krka's spectacular For All Indents and Purposes library - Advanced Lua Unlock: Added support for 1.12.1. "Creature-0-1133-870-141-71953-0000432FBD" (Xuen, on Timeless Isle), or nil if the unit does not exist.Example. The standard user interface that is installed appears to be a compiled version of the Lua code however Blizzard Entertainment provides a kit, the World of Warcraft Interface Addon Kit, that allows a person to see the original Lua source and XML files.
/script SendChatMessage("msg" ,"chatType" ,"language" ,"channel"); Parameters Arguments (msg, chatType, language, channel) This is essentially an alias of UnitAura with the "HELPFUL" filter. → WoW APIContents[show] ← WoW API securecall This function allows you to call an another function (with the possibility to pass arguments to it) and restore secure status that was active before calling this aforementionned function. Lua - WoW Addon Tutorial - Basic Lua and WoW API Frederik Vanggaard. For a complete introduction to Lua programming, see the book Programming in Lua.
It just resets the "lua-tainted" address to 0 thousands/millions of times per second so all wow "protected lua" functions end up being called without issues 99% of the time, they are fooled into believing they not protected functions so run. ^ Zarhym 2011-03-12. Finding out how to create or modify different elements in the WoW client is challenging and requires knowledge of the available API. e.g. Bug fixes. WoW UI Panel / Option Templates Tutorials & Other Helpful Info. ^ a b LenweSaralonde 2019-12-20.
For a complete introduction to Lua programming, see the book Programming in Lua. You might be able to code something using the built-in LUA engine - I know it can write out data, but you wouldn't be able to reach the LUA api from the outside without violating TOS.
World of Warcraft macros and addons are built around a programming language called LUA.