To check if a string is null or empty in Java, use the == operator. The PHP function empty is often used to check if a particular variable is empty or not (duh). empty() From PHP Manual – empty():. Required fields are marked * Comment. Particularly, in regards to user-submitted string … To add to @BJorn and @SeanPatrickFloyd The Guava way to do this is: Strings.nullToEmpty(str).isEmpty(); // or Strings.isNullOrEmpty(str); Commons Lang is more readable at times but I have been slowly relying more on Guava plus sometimes Commons Lang is confusing when it comes to isBlank() (as in what is whitespace or not).. Guava’s version of Commons Lang isBlank … In other words, it will return true if the variable is an empty string, false, array(), NULL, “0?, 0, and an unset variable. PHP empty() function syntax: empty(“string”); PHP example of empty… As noted earlier, is_string() returns false on an object that has a __toString() method. Note that checking the existence of a subkey of an array when that subkey does not exist but the parent does and is a string will return false for empty. Name * It will return True if the given variable is empty and false if it exists or a non-zero or more than zero characters etc. But the only difference is !empty() function will not generate any warning or e-notice when the variable does not exists. However, there is a bit of caveat that you should be aware of. Here is a simple way to do a check that will work:
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